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Changes Within the Earth

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1 Changes Within the Earth

2 The Earth’s Layers Core – center of the earth, consists of very hot metal Mantle – a thick layer of rock around the core, mobile Crust – rocky surface layer of the earth, thin like frosting on a cake

3 The Earth’s Layers

4 Plate Techtonics Lithosphere – the surface features of the earth, including soil, rocks, and landforms The lithosphere is broken into a number of moving plates Plates vary in size and thickness They slide over a hot and flexible layer of mantle The earth’s oceans and continents ride atop the plates as they move

5 Plate Tectonics Most earthquakes, volcanoes, and other geologic events occur along plate boundaries

6 Subduction and Convergence
Convergence – a collision of plates Subduction – when one plate meets another and the lighter plate slides below the denser (more solid) plate Oceanic plates are more dense than continental plates

7 Convergent Boundary – Oceanic/Continental
As the oceanic plate sinks the rock it is made of melts. Some of this will cool. Effects: Volcanoes made from eruptions of the melted plate that did not cool

8 Cascade Mountains

9 Convergent Boundary – Oceanic/oceanic
The denser plate slides beneath the other Effect: an arc of volcanic islands may form around the plate boundary

10 Japan

11 Convergent Boundary – Continent/continent
When two continental plates collide neither will sink Convergence is slow and violent Effect: Spectacular mountain ranges

12 The Himalayas Still colliding at a rate of about 2 inches per year

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