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The Global Impact of WWII

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1 The Global Impact of WWII
ESSENTIAL QUESTION: How were the Allies able to defeat the dictators and win the war?

2 TEKS and Objectives We will… I will… (1F) identify causes/effects of WWII and their impact on political, economic, and social systems… (12B) explain the role of world leaders during WWII (20D) explain the significance of the United Nations Create a text message between world leaders about a WWII event

3 RECAP December 1941: The United States enters WWII after the attack on Pearl Harbor July 1943: The United States invades Italy June 1944: Allied forces invade France April 1945: FDR dies; Hitler commits suicide May 1945: Victory in Europe August 1945: The United States drops two atomic bombs on Japan

4 Now to put the world back together Again (Again)
And the war was finally over… Now to put the world back together Again (Again)

5 The U.S. Occupation of Japan
Tokyo Trials for Japanese war criminals 7 out of 28 leaders were found guilty and sentenced to death Hideki Tojo, Japanese General, executed

6 The U.S. Occupation of Japan
General Douglas MacArthur Led military campaign in the Pacific Tasked with rebuilding Japan Japanese Reforms Lost overseas empire Stripped of army/navy Given a democratic constitution Emperor Hirohito Allowed to remain on the throne Powers drastically reduced

7 Aftermath of the War Axis Powers
Germany, Italy, and Japan turned into democratic nations Hastened end of imperialism in Asia/Africa


9 “The Big 3” Stalin Churchill Roosevelt

10 Yalta Conference February 1945
Who? Roosevelt, Churchill, Stalin met in Yalta (Soviet Union) Topic: Europe Agreements: Germany split into 4 occupation zones Free elections in Eastern Europe Formed the United Nations Russia would help against Japan

11 Potsdam Conference July 1945
Who? Harry S. Truman (US), Clement Attlee (GB), and Joseph Stalin (USSR) met in Potsdam Germany Topic: Japan Problems Arguments over new boundaries Arguments over reparations Communism spreading across Eastern Europe U.S. kept atomic bomb secret

12 Attlee Truman Stalin

13 The United Nations League of Nations U.N. Charter
Proved to be a failure U.N. Charter Established the United Nations in 1945 Tasked with maintaining world peace Encourages friendship/cooperation

14 The United Nations Security Council General Assembly
Responsible for ensuring peace/deterring aggression Can apply economic sanctions Uses military power to solve disputes General Assembly Includes all member nations Make recommendations to the Security Council


16 Text Message Assignment
Roll three die to select two WWII leaders and a WWII event. Create text messages between those two leaders about that event using Your final product must include: Names of both leaders Name of event At least 6 messages (3 for each) At least one picture (does not count as a message) Submit your picture(s) to Edmodo. This will count as a test grade.

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