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B3 Action Group on Integrated Care

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1 B3 Action Group on Integrated Care
B3 Action Plan Review of Progress June 2017

2 10 regions via SmartCare project 3 regions via BeyondSilos project
General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 1 Exploit the assets of the B3 Integrated Care Toolkit. SO 1.1 Conduct self-assessment of at least 5 European regions to assess their readiness for integrated care, using the B3 Maturity Model. 10 regions via SmartCare project 3 regions via BeyondSilos project 5 regions via SCIROCCO project 4 regions via B3 EUREGHA Sprint 12 regions via Optimity Advisors Sprint  DONE SO 1.2 Continue scaling-up of Airways-ICP, via a Synergies Sprint with other AGs. Airways-ICP now scaled up via Reference Site Twinning activity to 22 reference sites / regions SO 1.3 Exploit the transferability of risk stratification tools deployed in Europe. ASSEHS project White Paper SO 1.4 Exploit the potential of maturity map for change management to stimulate effective use of incentives for change and innovation culture, via a Synergies Sprint with other AGs. Sprint led by Philips DONE

3 General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 2 Continue to collect and map good practice and evidence on innovative integrated care solutions on: SO 2.1 Integrated care models, with a specific focus on legislation, governance, business models, finance models and incentives. CHAFEA Study SCIROCCO project STOPandGO project webinar – April 2017 GREEN SO 2.2 Effective use of incentives for change and innovation culture, stakeholder engagement and leadership. project ACT&Scale Project webinar – May 2017 SO 2.3 Positive patient experience with health and care services, co-production of services and supported self-management. CHAFEA Study good practices B3 Focus topic for 2017? SO 2.4 Successful rollout of electronic health records, integrated health and social care records and digital technology, including remote health monitoring. SCIROCCO good practices SO 2.5 Integrated care pathways and whole population approaches to management of chronic care. SCIROCCO project good practices

4 General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status
Generic Objective 3 Identify successful models / interventions for integrated care, including the barriers and success factors for their implementation. SO 3.1 Analyse organisational models for integrated care (identified from good practices), with a focus on governance and legal frameworks and the effectiveness of funding models and incentives. Project INTEGRATE deliverables DONE SO 3.2 Identify barriers and success factors for stakeholder engagement, including the role of leadership. EIT workforce activities  AMBER SO 3.3 Promote availability and benefits of training / coaching programmes for patients/citizens and their families in the use of innovative solutions, including coaching tools, shared personal health records, self-management tools. Ask B3 members to share good practices on this topic? Feature in Implementation Room session in November B3 meeting? Webinar topic?  RED SO 3.4 Identify barriers and facilitators for scaling up of home health monitoring service. United4Health deliverables SO 3.5 Promote scaling-up of effective integrated care pathways. ECCF Sprint  GREEN SO 3.6 Conduct analysis of workforce and training needs in relation to integrated care and ICT. B3 Sprint on WF development SUNFRAIL project EHTEL Task Force on Workforce Development

5 General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 4 Develop guidelines, policy recommendations and other tools to support implementation of integrated care and chronic disease/care programmes in Europe. SO 4.1 Provide literature review on organisational models for integrated care, highlighting role of governance, legal framework/legislation to implement integrated care; and the effectiveness of existing funding models and incentives. The literature review will inform the formulation of policy recommendations. B3 Focus topic for 2017?   RED SO4.2 Provide discussion paper on exploitation of policy recommendations for organisational change resulting from relevant EU funded project ACT project deliverables DONE SO 4.3 Continue to develop consensus-based framework for patient empowerment, including pre- requisites, processes and tools & anticipated patient outcomes B3 Synergy on patient empowerment  AMBER SO 4.4 Provide discussion paper on exploitation of policy messages for scaling-up of home health monitoring service resulting from relevant EU funded projects  United4Health Project deliverable  DONE SO 4.5 Develop guidelines for integrated care pathways and processes to speed their adoption within regions and care delivery organisations. SmartCare project: Guidelines for deployment Webinar 2017 planned to disseminate  GREEN SO 4.6 Develop policy recommendations to address the educational needs of the workforce. B3 Sprint on WF SUNFRAIL project

6 Inter-regional collaboration and MoUs Webinars – Beyond Silos webinars
General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 5 Support knowledge transfer, replication and scaling-up of good practices in integrated care across Europe. SO 5.1 Organise and participate to dedicated knowledge transfer activities (not B3 dissemination activities), such as webinars, workshops, study visits, associated with twinning activities etc. Inter-regional collaboration and MoUs Webinars – Beyond Silos webinars Reference Sites meetings – Montpellier Twinning activiites, including Study Visits  DONE SO 5.2 Identify the maturity of good practices for replication and scaling-up, using the B3 Maturity Model. SCIROCCO project – maturity assessment of 15 good practices now completed HSPA Sprint – Report published EUREGHA Sprint Optimity Advisers Sprint SO 5.3 Identify the maturity of health and care systems in readiness for adoption of good practices. EUREGHA Sprint  18 regions completed the self-assessment process. Other regions are planning to undertake the process as pat of the collaboration with ICT4Life Project & CHAFEA study.

7 General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 6 Support coaching of regions – cooperation between “pioneering regions” with successful operational models and “follower regions”. SO 6.1 Facilitate coaching of at least 3 European regions, using the B3 Maturity Model. SCIROCCO Project EUREGHA Sprint EIP Twinning activities B3 member applications for the Reference Site Twinning funding for knowledge transfer, including coaching GREEN

8 International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC) 2016 & 2017;
General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 7 Raise awareness of availability and benefits of integrated care programmes, including disease / care management models with remote monitoring at regional level. SO 7.1 Organise and participate to European, national and regional conferences, workshops, webinars and other events to raise the profile of integrated care in Europe. B3 member input to: International Conference on Integrated Care (ICIC) 2016 & 2017; eHealth Week 2016 & 2017 EIP on AHA Summit 2016 WoHIT 2016 inter-regional collaboration Webinars – Beyond Silos, Stop&Go, For full list of the events please see the B3 Events Calendar.  GREEN SO 7.2 Publish articles, publications, newsletters and other dissemination materials to raise awareness about integrated care in Europe. AIRWAYS ICP papers Maturity Model Paper by IBM Others? General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 7 Raise awareness of availability and benefits of integrated care programmes, including disease / care management models with remote monitoring at regional level. SO 7.1 Organise and participate to European, national and regional conferences, workshops, webinars and other events to raise the profile of integrated care in Europe. SO 7.2 Publish articles, publications, newsletters and other dissemination materials to raise awareness about integrated care in Europe.

9 B3 member input to SCIROCCO project Delphi Study
General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 8 Share and pool expertise, knowledge and resources towards the common goal of large scale deployment of integrated care and chronic disease/care programmes in Europe. SO 8.1 Seek the active contribution and participation of the members of the B3 Action group to surveys, Delphi process, focus groups and other means of data collection. B3 member input to SCIROCCO project Delphi Study EC consultation on Blueprint surveys on citizen interactions, stakeholder & change management and financial flows and reimbursement ECHAlliance Survey on Investment in AHA solutions  GREEN

10 Promote engagement and collaboration with other EU initiatives.
General Objectives Specific Objectives Progress to date RAG Status Generic Objective 9 Promote engagement and collaboration with other EU initiatives. SO 9.1 Identify EU initiatives and projects of strategic relevance for the EIP on AHA. ACT at SCALE SCIROCCO ITHACA MasterMind EIT Health TITTAN CHRODIS SEED ICT4Life CHAFEA study GREEN SO 9.2 Align the activities and involvement of the B3 Action Group in other EU initiatives and projects, e.g. EIT Health, Silver Economy, etc. Meetings held with identified project co-ordinators to align activities with B3. B3 member input regularly invited to above projects  GREEN SO 9.3 Share and disseminate the outcomes of collaborative activities through joint events with European / International Associations and B3 member organisations to promote integrated care and eHealth (e.g. EHTEL, ECHA, IFIC, etc). EPHA 2016 eHealth Week 2016 & 2017 ICIC 2016 & 2017 WoHIT 2016 European Innovation Summit ALEC 2017 EHTEL Symposium

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