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IMS-approach to the The Kempen (Flemish-Dutch border)

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Presentation on theme: "IMS-approach to the The Kempen (Flemish-Dutch border)"— Presentation transcript:

1 IMS-approach to the The Kempen (Flemish-Dutch border)
Piet Seuntjens, Ludo Diels VITO, Belgium

2 Kempen Cd (mg kg-1)

3 Kempen as a megasite Large (km2-scale) contaminated site
Multiple owners, stakeholders and users Multiple sources, transport and exposure pathways and receptors Finances are insufficient for complete remediation Integrated Management Strategy needed

4 Risk based management: risks and measures
Sources Metal-contaminated soil, ashes, ore dumps, waste dumps removal, capping, … Pathways air: resuspension, deposition (primary vs. secondary), dust water: soil->groundwater->surface water biotic transfer: cattle, crops, trees, plants, organisms screens, … passive treatment, wetlands, barriers, Sediment traps, … immobilization, liming, … Receptors Humans (playgrounds, houses, drinking water, primary food products) Ecosystem (surface water, nature, forest) land use limitations, cultivation advices, land use changes

5 Steps towards risk-based management
Inventory: Stakeholders Sources, pathways, and receptors of contamination, GIS-system Existing and emerging management strategies Diffuse sources Point sources Define data/knowledge needs to establish risk management strategy Building a management strategy: Conceptual model Kempen Common risk assessment “models”, common maps Define management options: scenario analysis Communication to stakeholders Adapt legislation Long-term monitoring

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