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Amending the Constitution

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Presentation on theme: "Amending the Constitution"— Presentation transcript:

1 Amending the Constitution
How do we change the Constitution?

2 Changing the Constitution
Amendment Change to the Constitution Amendments must be 1. Proposed 2. Ratified

3 + Proposing Step 1 Congress proposes a new amendment.
2/3 of the Senate pass the bill 2/3 of the House of Representatives pass the bill +

4 OR

5 Step 1 Proposing A Constitutional Convention is called by Congress on petition of 2/3 of the States

6 State legislatures choose to ratify (accept) or reject the amendment
Ratification State legislatures choose to ratify (accept) or reject the amendment

7 Step 2 Ratification 3/4 of the states must ratify the amendment for it to be added to the Constitution

8 OR

9 Step 2 Ratification 3/4 of special constitutional conventions called by states ratify

10 Why do the majority of states have to agree on the amendments to change the Constitution?

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