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Understanding Cognitive Demand

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Presentation on theme: "Understanding Cognitive Demand"— Presentation transcript:

1 Understanding Cognitive Demand
Your school/district Date

2 Let’s speak the same language
Carousel activity Define the words around the room Move clockwise Debrief

3 Looking at Cognitive Demand
The Tools Topics list Cognitive demand categories Coding Conventions Comment and suggestion sheet Rating Sheet

4 Slices of Pie Coding an item together to establish
Norms and procedures Looking at State Assessment items Using the tools in small groups

5 Ask teachers to label the slices of pie for the different SEC cognitive demand categories. Reiterate that the slices are intended to assist in the discussion on small groups once everyone has coded individually.

6 This is the mathematics example to do as a whole group using the coding tools. On chart paper set up a coding sheet and model how to record the coding of the topic and Cognitive demand. This is usually the time to discuss differences in coding, multiple codes, and to answer any questions about the tools so far.



9 Rationale Standards Assessment Curriculum
Educational standards, accountability, and standard’s based curriculum have emerged in the past decade as the favored approach for achieving a “world-class” education for all students. The survey was developed to provide states, districts, and schools the ability to measure the impact of standards in their locale. The underlying premise is that when standards, assessments, are aligned to classroom practice and content, levels of student achievement rise.

10 Coding Tools we use to Teach
Identify the different kinds of assessments in the program Now look at the ones you have used Code the assessments using the tools Now we’re asking the teachers to move from the state level to the school level to look at coding items that are more relevent to their teaching. Now ask the teachers to take out the teaching tools they brought with them so they can take a look at what they are asking students to do with the content. Again, this is a reflective process to examine teaching practice with the standards and to also brainstorm solutions and ideas.

11 Coding Tools We Use to Teach
(Continued) Discuss findings Brainstorm solutions

12 Coding Lesson Plans Now let’s take a look at a typical lesson with students What are you asking students to do with the content?

13 SEC Content Matrix

14 Final Thoughts When we are planning…….. When we are assessing……..

15 SEC Collaborating Organizations
Council of Chief State School Officers Wisconsin Center for Education Research Learning Point Associates/NCREL TERC Regional Alliance DEC Project

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