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TXT2009 0007 Adopting new Wireless Telecommunication Facility Master Plan + Ordinance.

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Presentation on theme: "TXT2009 0007 Adopting new Wireless Telecommunication Facility Master Plan + Ordinance."— Presentation transcript:

1 TXT Adopting new Wireless Telecommunication Facility Master Plan + Ordinance

2 Adoption Schedule for M.P. + Ordinance
March 10: - Assembly: Introduction M.P. Discussion March 20: - 1st Public Meeting: Downtown 6-8pm March 25: - PC (COW): M.P. + Ordinance Discussion March 27: - 2nd Public Meeting: UAS 6-8pm

3 Adoption Schedule for M.P. + Ordinance
April 15: - PC Special Meeting: Rec. on M.P. & Ord. April 28: - Assembly: Introduce M.P. & Ord. May 5: - Assembly (COW): Continue discussion May 19: - Assembly: Vote on M.P. & Ordinance

4 What is a Wireless Telecommunication
Master Plan? What is the value? Why now?

5 What is a Wireless Telecommunication Master Plan?
Consists of 4 Chapters: 1) Purpose & Policies - Public Health - Land Use - Viewsheds, etc. 2) Background of the wireless telecommunication industry - Evolution of cell phones and service (1G – 4G) - Basic Tower components 3) Engineering Analysis - Search Area (Service area maps) - New/ Old FCC regulations 4) Inventory - 60 sites (towers and attached antennas)

6 What is the value in the Master Plan?
Integrates with the values of the Comprehensive Plan Provides policies that guide better development decisions Provides framework for the Ordinance Most important: Connects the Ordinance to the vision of the Comprehensive Plan

7 Why adopt a Master Plan now?
Surge of 7 new towers since early 2012 Desire to have new standards in code Difficult to predict future placement of towers (where are the service gaps?) Provides framework for new ordinance Connects ordinance to Comp. Plan Opportunity to discuss new policies

8 Neighborhood Meetings
1)March 20 Assembly Chambers 6 - 8 pm 2)March 27 UAS Glacier View Rm

9 New Website:

10 New Flyer for public bulletins boards

11 Assembly approves moratorium
Provide time to adopt new Master Plan & Ordinance. Delays new permits for future cell phone towers. Does not apply to new towers needed for public safety and health, nor collocations. Moratorium expires May 19, 2014.

12 Further Discussion Additional Comments/Questions for March 25 PC COW meeting???


14 Early 2012 Service Map

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