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The First amendment and unprotected speech.

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Presentation on theme: "The First amendment and unprotected speech."— Presentation transcript:

1 The First amendment and unprotected speech

2 The Supreme court has ruled that we cannot just say what we want.
In other words, the first amendment is not absolute.

3 Override freedom of speech.
Public interest like National Security Personal Safety and Justice Override freedom of speech.

4 Here are the types of speech
that are not protected

5 another person’s reputation
Libel Words to damage another person’s reputation Are not protected by the first amendment

6 Value, difficult to prove use a community standard
Obscenity Words without Value, difficult to prove use a community standard

7 When the invasion causes
Invasion of Privacy When the invasion causes mental distress

8 copy copyrighted material There are limits on how much of
a product you can copy Napster anybody?

9 other people to break the law You can’t encourage people to
When you try to inspire other people to break the law You can’t encourage people to break into a business to steal records

10 These are words that would
Fighting words Hate speech These are words that would cause violence. Again not protected

11 Clear and PResent Danger WIll the words harm national security
Threats or sharing national secrets You cannot yell fire in a crowded theater

12 Advertise illegal products

13 Speech that is disruptive to school activities
this includes words and actions Was tinker too disruptive?

14 These are areas that the Supreme court
has said should not be protected. Can you think of any others?

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