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Foundations 518 Practical Examination Briefing #12 Full Contour Waxing

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1 Foundations 518 Practical Examination Briefing #12 Full Contour Waxing
Department of Endodontics, Prosthodontics, and Operative Dentistry University of Maryland, Baltimore

2 Study Aids For This Practical
Contralateral tooth on your typodont Also: We will provide the test tooth. We will provide masking tape for you to apply to the top of your typodont. You will write you provider # on the tape before turning it in for grading.


4 Arch Allignment

5 Proximal Contacts

6 Proximal Contours and Embrasures
Important aspect of waxing. If you look at your wax-up and can’t determine why it just doesn’t look the way you’d like, check all the embrasure spaces!

7 Facial and Lingual Contours

8 Occlusal Anatomy

9 Neatness and Cleanliness

10 Remember that you are reproducing a mirror image of the contralateral tooth.
Check your waxing from all different angles. Pay attention to embrasure spaces.

11 Good Luck

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