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Living a new Life in Christ

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1 Living a new Life in Christ
Romans 6

2 Know that you are dead to sin and alive to God Romans 6:1-10
Truth = Dead to sin but alive to God (6:11). A. Baptism Rom 6:1-5 B. Crucifixion Rom 6:6 C. Slavery Rom 6:7-10 Truth = The Cross delivers us from Sin and gives the Power to live. Truth = God’s truths are not dependent on our feelings, emotions.

3 acknowledge that truth to be personally Real Romans 6:11
Truth = Acknowledging that is sin dead in our lives is the beginning of experiencing God’s power to make sin dead and Christ’s life within me REAL. I’m FREE not to …. !

4 Yield yourself to God’s control Romans 6:12-23
How we can to yield Romans 6:12-13 Romans 6:12 DO NOT LET SIN REIGN Romans 6:13 DO NOT YIELD to sin Romans 6:13b. Present, offer, yield yourselves to God. 2 Timothy 2:22 (NLT)  Run from anything that stimulates youthful lusts. Instead, pursue righteous living, faithfulness, love, and peace. Enjoy the companionship of those who call on the lord with pure hearts.

5 Yield yourself to God’s control Romans 6:12-23
Why we are to yield Romans 6:14-23 1. Appreciation - Romans 6:14,15. Celebrate the difference Christ has made in your life 2. Freedom - Romans 6:16-20.  Now free to live life the way god designed 3. Results - Romans 6:21-23 A life of Freedom with Christ forever Ephesians 1-2 Truth= you will never be dead to the temptation to sin

6 Issues to deal with Truth = It’s possible to be free and still live like a slave. Truth = It’s possible to be a slave and think you are free.

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