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Date: Saturday, 01 December 2018

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1 Date: Saturday, 01 December 2018
Lay Magistrates Lesson Outcomes: Describe the appointment and role of magistrates Analyse advantages and disadvantages of magistrates Specification links: Lay magistrates: qualification, selection and appointment; composition of bench; training; role and powers 1

2 Lay Magistrates to work at local court.
Wanted Lay Magistrates to work at local court. You will be required to work for…..half days per year. You will need to be aged between ……... and ……… You do not need any formal qualifications but you should possess the 6 qualities the Lord Chancellor states you should have. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. If you are interested you will receive at least ……… days training and if you want to you can apply to specialise in the youth and family court with extra training. Finally, you will be ……………… and will only be allowed to claim for ……………… If you are successful you will sit in a panel of ……… and can ask the ………………………… for help. Apply in writing to Mrs Sudds.

3 Lay Magistrates to work at local court.
Wanted Lay Magistrates to work at local court. You will be required to work for 26 half days per year. You will need to be aged between 18 and 70 You do not need any formal qualifications but you should possess the 6 qualities the Lord Chancellor states you should have. 1. Good character. 2. Understanding and communication. 3. Social awareness. 4. Maturity and sound temperament 5. Sound judgement. 6. Commitment and reliability. If you are interested you will receive at least 3 days training and if you want to you can apply to specialise in the youth and family court with extra training. Finally, you will be unpaid and will only be allowed to claim for expenses If you are successful you will sit in a panel of 3 and can ask the Legal Advisor for help. Apply in writing to Mrs Sudds

4 Advantages Disadvantages

5 Explains 2 advantages and disadvantages
Consider how well lay magistrates fulfil their role in the Magistrates Court. Suggest ways in which improvement can be made to the current system. 20 Marks. Grade A answer Explains and compares 4 advantages and disadvantages Delivers a conclusion which refers to the essay Suggests 3 way to improve Grade C answer Explains 2 advantages and disadvantages Delivers a conclusion Suggests 1 way to improve


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