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Warm-up: Tuesday 9/4/18 Turn to page 16 in your planner and write your “Today’s Work” Then… On the Warm-up sheet on your desk write 2 questions you.

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Presentation on theme: "Warm-up: Tuesday 9/4/18 Turn to page 16 in your planner and write your “Today’s Work” Then… On the Warm-up sheet on your desk write 2 questions you."— Presentation transcript:

1 Warm-up: Tuesday 9/4/18 Turn to page 16 in your planner and write your “Today’s Work” Then… On the Warm-up sheet on your desk write 2 questions you have about Ms. Leas’ classroom and/or procedures.

2 Warm-up 9/5/18 Turn to page 16 in your planner next to Social Studies for September 5th and write your “Today’s Work” from the white board for today. Then… On your Warm-up Sheet under Wednesday please answer these questions: 1)What is a Primary Source? 2) Why are Primary Sources important in the study of history?

3 Warm-up 9/6/18 Start class by filling out your planner on page 17 for Social Studies with “Today’s Work”. On your Warm-Up Sheet answer these questions under Thursday. True or False(write T or F on your warm-up sheet) To enter Ms. Leas’ class you must first greet your teacher. You have to write your “Today’s Work” in your planner everyday. Ms. Leas’ class is over when the bell rings. Raise your hand and ask if Ms. Leas is collecting the Syllabus.

4 Warm-up 9/7/18 Write your “Today’s Work” in your planner (pg 17).
Do you warm-up on your Warm-up Paper: Which of these behaviors are appropriate for the Ms. Leas’ class?: chewing gum, silently working, working with your group on assignment, talking while the teacher is teaching, listening to your group member’s ideas, raising your hand when you have a question/comment, yelling the answer to a question, raising your hand to get out of your seat, writing on your desk

5 Warm-up 9/10/18 Write your CW and HW in your planner Then…
Draw a quick sketch of one of the visuals that you plan on putting on your Binder Cover Then in one sentence explain what it tells about you.

6 Warm-up 9/11/18 Start class by filling out your planner for Social Studies with your “Today’s Work”. On your warm-up sheet under Tuesday try to answer the following questions. There are maps in your textbook that can help you. 1. How many continents are there?(pg 416) 2. Name as many as you can. 3. What is climate? 4. Why might a river(s) be important for cities or towns?

7 Warm-up 9/12/18 Write your “Today’s Work” in your planner.
On your Warm-up sheet complete: Make a list of events that could possibly lead to the end of a civilization/country/kingdom/empire

8 Warm-up 9/13/18 Write your “Today’s Work” in your planner
Write the definition to these terms on your Warm-up paper(use the dictionary, share if needed) disciple Gospel parable

9 Warm-up 9/14/18 Write your “Today’s Work” in your planner
What do you know about Christianity?

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