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How To Do a Research Report

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1 How To Do a Research Report
Using MLA

2 Step One: Determine your Focus
Determine what you already know about the topic and write that down. Determine what you want to learn and make a list. Start gathering both electronic and print research to learn about the items on the list. Keep track of your information and resources as you research!!!

3 Electronic Research Tips Evaluate The Web sites…
Authority: Who is responsible for creating the web page? An individual or an organization? If it is an individual, you can search for information about the author's credentials or affiliations in Google Scholar or in online databases. Is the content produced by a reliable organization such as the American Medical Association?

4 Audience: Who is this web site created for
Audience: Who is this web site created for? Is the content geared to a certain age group? If so, would a site focused on middle school children be appropriate for a college paper? Currency: How recent is the web site? The site should be up-to-date and updates listed after the original date. Generally this information is located at the bottom of the web page.

5 Content: What is the content of the web site: images, articles, a blog
Content: What is the content of the web site: images, articles, a blog? The type of domain (.edu, .gov, .org) may provide some clues about the information. Is the content original or reproduced from another source? If it is reproduced, is there a permission statement indicating this? It is very important to verify that this information is correct and hasn't been altered.

6 How do I know what print texts to use?
Librarians and teacher librarians are very helpful to direct you in finding suitable texts. Simply approach them with the assignment in hand and ask for guidance. Use the library’s search engine and type in your topic Skim the cover, back, table of contents of text you find. Sign out the ones that look most promising. Take your time reading the texts, using sticky notes or a research template to track important and interesting points.

7 When you find information…
For websites FIRST: Always write the web address so you can visit it again when necessary. Look for the name of the web page, the author, the publication date and any updates. Maner, Martin. "Women and Eighteenth-Century Literature." 14 Apr Wright State University. 9 Aug <


9 For print materials – write the following: Lastname, Firstname
For print materials – write the following: Lastname, Firstname. Title of a Sample Book. City: Publisher, year. THEN QUOTE DIRECTLY OR PARAPHRASE.

10 After you gather research, write one of the following:
An Essay A Written Report or Electronic Google Doc Report Use dbl PPC and MLA Title page Table of Contents Information organized under subtopics – this information can be organized in the form of definitions, paragraph explanations, graphs, etc. Appendices: and artifacts that support your subtopics

11 Now Prepare the Presentation
Use the presentation tips posted on my website and turn your report into a creative and entertaining presentation!

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