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MLA Style Miguel Bojorquez.

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1 MLA Style Miguel Bojorquez

2 Cover Sheet (inc. Heading)::.
In the upper left-hand corner of the first page, list your name, your teacher's name, the class, and the date. Be sure to use double-spaced text. Place the title in the center of the page, without underlining, italicizing, or adding “quotation marks”. Double space between the title and the first line of the text. Running Header: Write your last name followed by the page number in the upper- right hand corner. This will be on EVERY page.

3 Example

4 Page set-up::. Set the margins of your document to 1 inch on all sides. MLA recommends that you use the Tab key to indent, do not indent by pushing the space bar five times. Sections of a paper can have headings. The actual numbering is entirely up to you, but it must stay consistent throughout.

5 Citation What to cite? Cite all direct quotations as well as significant ideas, concepts, or findings borrowed or adapted from others. What not to cite. (1) dictionary definitions of words unless the specific dictionary is relevant to the context; (2) well documented historical facts; (3) conventional knowledge or knowledge broadly shared in a discipline. Citation must be done in the work, and in a Works Cited Page.

6 Works Cited Page Arrange references alphabetically by author.
Give authors' full names as indicated in the publication (do not abbreviate names to initials). Multiple works by the same author list alphabetically by title, not by date. All titles are set in heading caps. Example as follows…

7 Works Cited Page (2) Example

8 Stylistic Requirements::.
Font must be 12pt. You may use any type of font, so long as it’s legible. (Though some sources believe the font to use is Times New Roman) Type your paper on a computer and print it out on standard, white 8.5 x 11-inch paper.

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