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Content Public Health Emergencies Ebola Virus Disease: DRC

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Presentation on theme: "Content Public Health Emergencies Ebola Virus Disease: DRC"— Presentation transcript:

1 Epidemiological Update on Public Health Emergencies WHO Country Office, Liberia 15 June 2018

2 Content Public Health Emergencies Ebola Virus Disease: DRC
1 Ebola Virus Disease: DRC 2 Rift Valley Fever: Kenya Lassa Fever: Nigeria 3 4 Other Events Under Follow - up Public Health Emergencies

3 Public Health Emergencies (AFRO)
9 Humanitarian Crises 46 Outbreaks 2 Grade 3 events 2 Grade 1 events 4 Grade 2 events 37 Ungraded events Health EMERGENCIES Program Source: WHE AFRO week 23 bulletin

4 Ebola Virus Disease: DRC
The EVD outbreak in Equateur Province, DRC is still active On 09 June 2018: one new death in the EVD case confirmed on 6 June 2018 in Iboko Health Zone The case-patient, a known contact who died on 20 May 2018 Since 4 April 2018: 66 suspected cases, including 27 deaths (CFR 42.4%) 38 cases confirmed 14 probable 62 % (23) of the confirmed cases from Iboko 5 HCWs have been affected with two deaths Geographical distribution of the EVD cases DRC, 06 June, 2018 Risk Assessment: National level: very high due to the serious nature of the disease Regional level: High confirmed case in Mbandaka, located on a major national and international river, increases the risk for further spread to neighboring countries. At global level: Risk is currently considered low. Risk Assessment: National level: Very high Regional level: High At global level: Low Source: WHE AFRO week 23 bulletin

5 Ebola Virus Disease: DRC
The outbreak remains localized to the three health zones initially affected. 52% from Iboko (27), 40% from Bikoro (21), 8% from Wangata (4) The primary focus of response has moved from urban areas to most remote and hard to reach places (Iboko) A total of 634 contacts are under follow up, of which 633 (99.8%) were reached on reporting date Implementation of ring vaccination protocol: a total of 2,295 people have been vaccinated (including HCWs and people exposed to confirmed EVD cases) Risk Assessment: National level: very high due to the serious nature of the disease Regional level: High confirmed case in Mbandaka, located on a major national and international river, increases the risk for further spread to neighboring countries vaccinated At global level: Risk is currently considered low. Source: WHE AFRO week 23 bulletin

6 Public Health Measures: DRC
The MoH and partners continue with an intense response to the EVD outbreak enhanced surveillance, rapid case investigation of suspected cases and thorough contact tracing in remote areas All pillars of the response are being consolidated as well as preparedness and readiness measures in neighboring countries Ongoing risk communication and social mobilization activities: mass awareness campaign through TV, radio, and social mobilization teams are on going Risk Assessment: National level: very high due to the serious nature of the disease Regional level: High confirmed case in Mbandaka, located on a major national and international river, increases the risk for further spread to neighboring countries. At global level: Risk is currently considered low. Source: WHE AFRO week 23 bulletin

7 Rift Valley Fever: Kenya
On 8 June 2018: Kenya MoH reported an outbreak of RVF in the north-east of the country on 2 June 2018 : The index case, an 18-year-old male, presented to the local health facility with fever, body weakness, bleeding from the gums and mouth with symptoms onset on may 29, 2018 On 4 June 2018: two relatives of the index case developed high fever and bleeding from the mouth. One subsequently died on the day of admission. Blood specimens collected from the two case-patients tested positive for RVF On 6 June 2018. AS of 08 June, 2018: 10 suspected cases, including 5 deaths (CFR- 50%). The Kenya Ministry of Livestock reported high number of deaths and abortions among animals Geographical distribution of Rift Valley Fever cases in Kenya, 08 June 2018 Public Health Measures: A subnational task force has been activated in Wajir County A joint multidisciplinary NRRTs from the MoH/and MoA deployed Active surveillance has been enhanced Of the 11 blood specimens obtained and analyzed, nine tested positive for malaria (Plasmodium falciparum) on rapid diagnostic test (RDT), while two were negative. All the six deceased cases had positive malaria RDT test results. Source: WHE AFRO week 23 bulletin

8 Lassa Fever: Nigeria In Week 23 (ending June 10, 2018):
Five new confirmed cases was reported from Edo (4) and Ondo (1) states. From January – June 3, 2018: a total of 1,999 s s suspected cases have been reported from 21 states Of these: 437 were confirmed including 109 deaths (CFR – 24.9%), 10 are probable, Five states remain in active outbreak phase A total of 5,508 contacts have been identified 5328 (96.7%) have completed 21 days 170 (3.1%) contacts are still under follow up Epi curve of Lassa fever Confirmed (437) and Probable (10) Cases in Nigeria week 1- 23, 2018 PUBLIC HEALTH ACTIONS National Lassa fever After Action Review Meeting (AARM) scheduled for of June 2018 Active case search ongoing National Lassa fever multi-sectorial EOC TWG continues to coordinate the response activities at all levels Source: WHE AFRO week 23 bulletin

9 Other Events Under Follow-up
Monkey Pox: DRC From weeks 1-16, 2018: 1,210 suspected cases of Monkeypox including 28 deaths. 34 cases have been confirmed. Sankuru Province has had an exceptionally high number of suspected cases this year (309 cases). Measles: DRC This outbreak is ongoing since the beginning of 2017. As of week 8 in 2018: 48,326 cases including 563 deaths (CFR 1.2%). As of week 23, 2018: 3,404 cases including 30 deaths (0.9%), have been reported. Cholera: Tanzania As 10 June 2018: 2,442 suspected cholera cases, including 54 deaths (CFR-2%) Three out of 26 regions currently have active transmission, Measles: Guinea Since week 8, 2018: 1, 113 including 9 deaths (0.8%) 267 samples tested IGM positive. 76% were not vaccinated for measles despite vaccination campaign efforts in 2017 following a large epidemic Monkey Pox: Cameroon Since 26 May 2018: 19 suspected cases, including 8 deaths (CFR- 42%).


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