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Presentation About The Research That I Did This Semester

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1 Presentation About The Research That I Did This Semester
By Corbin Cunningham

2 Things I learned this semester
The First Topic Of Interest I Found This Semester Was The Case Involving Henry Lee McCollum And His Half Brother Leon Brown The Next Topic Of Interest I Found Was About The Outbreak Of Ebola In Africa As Well As The Various Different Cases Throughout The World And lastly I learned about ideologies and how to discover biases hidden in everything, as well as how memes have become such a part of current culture

3 Pictures of the brothers
Henry Leon

4 The case against them in 1983
The Brothers Were Visiting With Their Family In North Carolina When An 11 Year Old Girl Was Raped And Murdered While There Was No Physical Evidence That Tied The Brothers To The Crime, They Were None The Less Interrogated And Fed Details Of The Crime Scene Only The True Criminal Or Police Would Know So In The End The Brothers Confessed To A Crime That They Had No Chance Of Commiting, And Only Knew About Because The Police Had Influenced Them

5 However There was a prior conviction in the same neighbor hood as the crime With the person that committed them being someone who was in contact with the victim Yet this individual was never suspected and was only questioned once

6 So while there was a completely legitimate person that may have committed the crime
The police railroaded two innocent people into a death sentence and life in prison

7 But between the use of DNA testing
And the man who was the most likely suspect at the time all but admitting to the crime The brothers after 30 years have finally been acquitted of the crimes the were wrongly convicted of. Resolution

8 The Next Topic I Researched Was Ebola And Some Of The Many Memes About It
Such as the memes below

9 These memes show that most people really don’t understand Ebola
But they thoroughly enjoy making semi hilarious, if not slightly racist memes about it such as the meme to the left

10 Ebola, Ebola Hemorrhagic Fever, or Ebola Virus Disease
Signs and symptoms typically starting between two days and three weeks after the patient has contracted the virus This virus is contracted by contact with blood or other bodily fluids of an infected human or other animal, direct contact with a recently contaminated item may also lead to infection of an individual However it spread through the air hasn't been observed or recorded in nature

11 Putting it in Perspective

12 If memes like this were less prevalent and contained actual good information
About something serious such as the disease of Ebola, people might actually know the things they need to Instead of just being unknowledgeable idiots, that spread misinformation and cause further problems

13 So while in all honesty Ebola is a serious illness
Something that we should take seriously As it isn’t a problem for the United States yet And as such we should work to help solve the problem in Africa, as that it where the virus is currently found So while in all honesty Ebola is a serious illness

14 We also discussed ideologies and biases
We learned how to detect them As well as how to identify them Biases We also learned about ideologies As well as how they impact or biases and our beliefs Ideologies

15 Examples of bias in the media
Republican Democrat

16 We also discussed how the implied biases of the media
Cause children as well as adults to think that white skin is beautiful Enough so m uch that people will buy creams and products to whiten their skin, or pick toys that look different from themselves such as in the doll experiment

17 These adds are designed to sell a product even if that means that it must imply a subtle message that you aren’t as good as someone because you have a different skin color, So much so that children start to believe that black children are the dumb child, as shown by the image below as well as on the last slide

18 So all in all this class has taught me many lovely skills on how to determine biases, and understand where our racist ideologies come from

19 This class also forced me to look in-depth into news stories to not only get the full picture about it but to see all view points on it

20 And last but not least this class has helped to enlighten me in how to properly communicate and to give a presentation to a class such as the one that you are currently a part of

21 Thank You For A Wonderful Class Full Of Bright Discussions And Lovely People

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