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IMS & Wireline to Wireless Convergence

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1 IMS & Wireline to Wireless Convergence
Greg Pisano Director, Market Development Brooktrout Technology

2 The Business Challenges
The successful carrier will have to: Grow and protect subscriber base, increase ARPU Deliver a differentiated portfolio of value-added services Maximize ROI while controlling OPEX Invest in open systems, standards-based solutions to remain competitive Enhance capabilities of legacy systems if necessary Focus on application services Rapidly develop and deploy new services, including video Develop on standards-based technology Reduce time to market for new applications using web development model

3 Let’s Talk Services Applications deliver Services
Services are a set of capabilities offered to customers Must be able to bill for services Video Messaging Conferencing …and many more Gaming Voic Hosted Services

4 IMS – Building the Foundation
Converged Application Service Architecture Separate Transport, Service Control and Applications Layers Fixed-Mobile Convergence on One Common IP Application Services Architecture Open, Standards-based Standards-based Protocol Interfaces (SIP+XML) for Flexible Integration & Control of New Services Not API’s that Bind to Operating System, Device Control Development Model Facilitates Service Creation Environment IMS is all about applications, built on IP and SIP

5 IMS Simplified Network View
Converged Applications Across Networks Reduced development costs and time Voice, Video and data services Write once / use many Video Applications Hosted Services Data Voice MP3 Win Media Text Web Content Shared Resources Media server resources Common user data Single user profile across applications Integrated applications Call Session/Control SIP Transport Session Control Common Session Control (SIP) Provides common service policies Leverages investments across multiple applications Access Network Access Network Agnostic Eliminates multiple service solutions Network transparency Consistent services across networks DSL PSTN Mobile CMTS

6 Why IMS IP will continue to be a disruptive technology to traditional telecom operators and is transforming business models from voice-driven to service-driven Facilitates cap and grow approach Operators require more applications to meet competitive threats CAPEX and OPEX pressures are constant Operators need a better environment for creating and deploying high value rich multimedia services Service delivery velocity Lower cost standards-based platforms Controllable, yet open environment for service creation & delivery

7 Customer Case Study Video Messaging
IMS Subsystem: A/S and MRF SIP SIP 3G/IMS Handset 3G/IMS SIP Application Server LDAP Directory RTP SIP/ VoiceXML H.324M UMTS 2.5/3G Video Handset H.324M to SIP Gateway RTP HTTP SIP Message/ Content Store Media Server RTP SIP Broad- band Internet PC with SIP soft phone

8 IMS Benefits Efficient Resource Utilization
Standard interfaces allow multi-network interoperability for user to user interactions and content distribution Access Network Independence Content storage medium can be off line processed into various formats Shared Resources Lower Development Cost and Faster Deployment Modern, Proven Development Techniques Less Lines of Code to Write, Less Complex Code = Less Errors Environment That is Familiar to Large Developer Pool (HTTP, HTML, and XML, etc) Off the shelf hardware – software available from a more general development pool

9 Thank You! Greg Pisano Director, Market Development
Brooktrout Technology Tel:

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