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Welcome to 6th Grade Science!!!

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Presentation on theme: "Welcome to 6th Grade Science!!!"— Presentation transcript:

1 Welcome to 6th Grade Science!!!
My name is Ms. Jolley!

2 Today’s Schedule: Daily Routine Expectations/ Procedures Discipline
Discussion about Character Grading Google Classroom Topics in 6th grade Science Culture, Community, and You

3 Daily Routine Step 1: Check-In and Do Now
After greeting me at the door, sit down in your seat and begin working on the Check-In and Do Now. It will always be there. No talking, moving around the room, horseplay, or electronics of any kind. Step 2: Review of Do Now/Intro Announcements “Culture, Community, and You” Moment Review of the Do Now Intro to Activity/Experiment

4 Daily Routine Continued...
Step 3: Activity or Experiment (might be a multi-day project) Step 4: Discuss, Reflect, Dismiss When bell rings, students are to wait for the teacher’s cue to stand, push in their chairs, gather their belongings, and leave.

5 Expectations In order to maximize the amount of time we have to make awesome scientific discoveries, do the following: Step 1 is your time to settle down and focus. Talking is not appropriate during this step. If you want to leave the classroom, you need a hall pass filled out in your agenda book, and you must fill out the sheet at the front of the room. Fill out both before coming to me for my initials. (Walk to your destination and choose to stay focused on your task).

6 Let’s Practice!!! Expectations pg. 2
3. Respect others by listening when they talk. When I want your attention during any step or to signal the end of a task, activity, etc. I will say, “Hands free and eyes on me in 5, 4, 3, 2, 1”. Choose to be silent by 1. Let’s Practice!!!

7 Expectations pg. 3 4. Obey all school rules in your handbook, but specifically the following in science. No food or drink in the room (including no gum). No cell phones out unless I tell you to get them out for a specific purpose. No hats and coats. Too bulky for the small room, but sweaters or sweatshirts are fine. No tummy showing or inappropriate words. Always close-toed shoes! No flip-flops or sandals in my class. Cheating is serious. Don’t do it. Ever. Come to class with all materials. You may borrow a pencil from the front, but return it at the end of the block. Responsible students will be rewarded throughout the semester.

8 Expectations Pg. 4 5. Some things should not be done for safety reasons and/or out of respect for others. You or someone else could get hurt. I am very strict about safety! What not to do: Sitting on the bookshelf near the windows Going in the prep room in the back of the classroom Opening cabinets in the room Opening drawers in my desk or touching things on my desk Taking supplies or books without permission or being instructed to do so Touching the smartboard computer Leaving trash/materials on your desk or the floor Ever touching the eye wash station or shower!!!

9 Discipline Discipline will vary depending on the nature and frequency of the behavior. The following are possibilities: Warning Student conference Teacher detention (lunch detention) Call home/letter sent home Parent conference Sent to the office to speak to an administrator I will follow the handbook’s guidelines for handling serious offenses such as cheating.

10 Character...What Traits Are Best?
We should be… Responsible Hard-working Kind Generous/Helpful Trustworthy Respectful You made this list, so aim to be the list! Disciplined Creative Curious Aware of our surroundings Team-oriented Perseverant

11 Grading Breakdown: Summative = 50%, Formative = 40 %, Individual Practice = 10% My Expectations: Do your best to turn in all work on time. Summative assessments must be on time. I allow “do-overs” for grades lower than a C. Summative measures mastery of concepts! You must tell me that you want a do-over within 1 week of the assessment. After that, the grade cannot be changed. Do not try to ask for a do-over at the end of the marking period. Formative and Individual Practice lose 25% if turned in more that 1 day late.

12 Google Classroom Class Codes Here! ⅔ - ⅚ - 8/9-

13 6th Grade Science Topics!!!
Astronomy Cells and Heredity Earth’s Surfaces Forces

14 “Culture, Community, and You”
Every Thursday will be “Culture, Community, and You” Day. We will spend time brainstorming and implementing ways in which we can build a positive culture and leave a positive impact on other people in this class, in other classes, in the school, and in our communities. Be Bold, Be Kind, Be a Difference!!!

15 Required Materials Notebook (any kind, color, etc.)
A binder is helpful, but not necessary (I save trees…) Access to the internet (if this is an issue, please let me know privately).


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