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Why did this happen?.

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Presentation on theme: "Why did this happen?."— Presentation transcript:

1 Why did this happen?

2 Japanese Internment—Fast Facts
Executive Order 9066—Authorized the removal of any or all people from military areas “as deemed necessary or desirable.” The military defined the entire West Coast, home to the majority of Americans of Japanese ancestry or citizenship, as a military area. Upheld by Supreme Court in Korematsu v. United States—Court said “The need to protect against espionage outweighed Korematsu's rights.” Over 100,000 people lived in camps for over 2 years 1982 Congressional Commission concluded internment was a “grave injustice”

3 Open Note Quiz Time You MAY NOT share notes (with the exception of the neutrality group work you completed). Get all your notes on World War 2 ready, so we can begin.

4 What’s Happening Here?

5 Capitalism vs. Communism
Competing ideologies (set of beliefs) Capitalism = business owned and operated by individuals—government stays out. Communism = state owns and operates most businesses—individuals don’t own property.

6 US & Soviet Aims Around World
Soviet Union Encourage communism in other countries to encourage all workers to unite Transfer industrial equipment of Eastern Europe to the Soviet Union to help rebuild its war-ravaged economy. Control Eastern Europe to balance the US influence in Western Europe United States Encourages democracy in other countries to stop totalitarian govs Wants to gain access to raw materials and markets for booming industries. Rebuild European govs to ensure stability and create markets for American goods

7 Germany After WW2 Germany = initial Cold War feud.

8 Iron Curtain


10 Initial Cold War—Key Terms
Iron Curtain (Churchill) = impenetrable wall between east and west Europe Truman Doctrine = President says the US will come to the aid of those who are at risk of falling to communism (poor Europe initially) Marshall Plan = billions of dollars of aid given to Europe after WW2 Containment = American policy of stopping the spread of Communism

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