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2.2 How Do Atoms Form Molecules?

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1 2.2 How Do Atoms Form Molecules?

2 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
Many molecules dissolve easily in water. Water is an excellent solvent, capable of dissolving a wide range of substances because of its positive and negative poles. NaCl dropped into H2O The positive end of H2O is attracted to Cl–. The negative end of H2O is attracted to Na+. These attractions tend to push apart the components of the original salt.

3 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
Water as a solvent Cl– Na+ H Na+ Cl– O H Cl– Na+ Fig. 2-8

4 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
Water molecules tend to stick together. Surface tension: water tends to resist being broken Cohesion: water molecules stick together Fig. 2-9

5 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
Water can form ions. Water spontaneously becomes H+ and OH–. Acid solutions have a lot of H+ (protons). Alkaline solutions have a lot of OH– (hydroxyl ions). A base is a substance that combines with H+, reducing their numbers. pH measures the relative amount of H+ and OH– in a solution.

6 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
A water molecule is ionized. (–) (+) O O + H H H H water (H2O) hydroxide ion (OH–) hydrogen ion (H+) Fig. 2-10

7 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
pH measures acidity. Acids have a pH below 7. Bases have a pH above 7. Neutral solutions have a pH of 7. Buffers are substances that maintain a constant pH in a solution.

8 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
The pH scale stomach acid (2) lemon juice (2.3) vinegar, cola (3.0) 1 molar hydrochloric acid (HCl) black coffee (5.0) normal rain (5.6) urine (5.7) orange (3.5) tomatoes beer (4.1) water from faucet milk (6.4) pure water (7.0) household ammonia (11.9) washing soda (12) drain cleaner (14.0) 1 molar sodium hydroxide (NaOH) blood, sweat (7.4) phosphate detergents chlorine bleach (12.6) seawater (7.8–8.3) baking soda (8.4) oven cleaner (13.0) toothpaste (9.9) 1 2 3 4 pH value 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 (H+ > OH–) (H+ < OH–) neutral (H+ = OH–) 100 10–1 10–2 10–3 10–4 10–5 10–6 10–7 10–8 10–9 10–10 10–11 10–12 10–13 10–14 increasingly acidic increasingly basic H+ concentration in moles/liter Fig. 2-11

9 2.3 Why Is Water So Important To Life?
Water interacts with many other molecules. Oxygen released by plants during photosynthesis comes from water. Water is used by animals to digest food and thus breakdown large biomolecules – hydrolysis reactions. Water is produced in chemical reactions that combine small biomolecules forming larger, more complex ones – dehydration synthesis reactions.

10 3.2 How Are Biological Molecules Joined Together Or Broken Apart?
Dehydration synthesis The construction of large molecules yields water. Small molecules are joined together to form large molecules. During the joining of small molecules, water is released. This water-releasing reaction is called dehydration synthesis.

11 3.2 How Are Biological Molecules Joined Together Or Broken Apart?
Dehydration synthesis dehydration synthesis + O HO O H HO OH HO OH O H H (a) Dehydration synthesis Fig. 2-12a

12 3.2 How Are Biological Molecules Joined Together Or Broken Apart?
Hydrolysis reactions During the breakdown of large molecules, covalent bonds are broken, separating the subunits

13 3.2 How Are Biological Molecules Joined Together Or Broken Apart?
Hydrolysis hydrolysis + O HO OH HO O H HO OH O H H (b) Hydrolysis Fig. 2-12b

14 3.1 Why Is Carbon So Important To Life?
An organic molecule is one that contains carbon. This is possible because carbon has four electrons in its outermost shell, leaving room for four more electrons from other atoms. Therefore, carbon can form many bonds with other atoms.



17 3.3 What Are Carbohydrates?
Carbohydrates are molecules composed of carbon, hydrogen, and oxygen in the ratio of 1:2:1. They can be small single sugar molecules or long chains of single sugar molecules strung together.

18 3.3 What Are Carbohydrates?
A simple sugar CH2OH H O H H H O H H H H 6 5 4 3 2 1 H C C C C C C H HO OH H OH O O O H O O H H H H H OH (a) Glucose, linear form (b) Glucose, ring form Fig. 2-13

19 3.3 What Are Carbohydrates?
Monosaccharide: a carbohydrate consisting of one sugar molecule Disaccharide: two sugars linked together Polysaccharide: three or more sugars linked together


21 3.3 What Are Carbohydrates?
Simple sugars, such as glucose, provide important energy sources for organisms. Sucrose, such as table sugar, is a disaccharide containing one glucose molecule attached to a fructose molecule.

22 3.3 What Are Carbohydrates?
Manufacture of a disaccharide glucose fructose sucrose CH2OH CH2OH O HOCH2 O O HOCH2 O H H H H H H H H + dehydration synthesis OH H H HO OH H O H HO HO O H HO CH2OH HO CH2OH H OH OH H H OH OH H O H H Fig. 2-14

23 3.3 What Are Carbohydrates?
A variety of simple sugars occurs in organisms. Disaccharides store energy and are two simple sugars bonded together by a dehydration synthesis reaction, such as lactose (milk sugar) and sucrose (table sugar). Polysaccharides store energy for long periods of time or can be structural. Starch in plants and glycogen in animals are energy storage molecules. Chitin (lobster shells) and cellulose (plant call walls) are polysaccharides which are structural.

24 3.3 What Are Carbohydrates?
Cellulose structure wood is mostly cellulose plant cell with cell wall close-up of cell wall Hydrogen bonds cross-linking cellulose molecules CH2OH H OH CH2OH H OH O O H H H H H O OH H H O OH H O OH H H O OH H H O H H H H individual cellulose molecules bundle of cellulose molecules cellulose fiber O O H OH CH2OH H OH CH2OH Fig. 2-15

25 Molecular characteristics of lipids
3.4 What Are Lipids? Molecular characteristics of lipids Lipids are molecules with long regions composed almost entirely of carbon and hydrogen. The nonpolar regions of carbon and hydrogen bonds make lipids hydrophobic and insoluble in water.

26 3.4 What Are Lipids? Lipid classification
Group 1: Oils, fats, and waxes (Triglycerides) Group 2: Phospholipids Group 3: Steroids


28 Group 1: Triglycerides (continued)
3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 1: Triglycerides (continued) Fats and oils form by dehydration synthesis from three fatty acid subunits and one molecule of glycerol. etc. CH2 CH2 CH2 H O CH H C OH HO C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH O H C OH + HO C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 etc. O H C OH HO C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 etc. H glycerol fatty acids Fig. 2-16

29 Group 1: Triglycerides (continued)
3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 1: Triglycerides (continued) Fats and oils formed by dehydration synthesis are called triglycerides. Triglycerides are used for long-term energy storage in both plants and animals. etc. CH2 CH2 CH2 O H O CH + H H H C O C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH O O + H H H C O C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 etc. O O H C O C CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 CH2 etc. + H H H 3 water molecules triglyceride Fig. 2-16

30 Group 1: Triglycerides (Fats) (continued)
3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 1: Triglycerides (Fats) (continued) Fatty acids of fats are said to be saturated and are straight molecules that can be stacked. (a) Beef fat (saturated) Fig. 2-18a

31 Group 1: Triglycerides (Oils) (continued)
3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 1: Triglycerides (Oils) (continued) Unsaturated fatty acids have bends and kinks in fatty acid chains and can’t be stacked. (b) Peanut oil (unsaturated) Fig. 2-18b

32 3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 2: Phospholipids
Phospholipids have water-soluble heads and water-insoluble tails. They are found in cell membranes in a double layer. They are like oils except one fatty acid is replaced by a phosphate group attached to glycerol.

33 Group 2: Phospholipids (continued)
3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 2: Phospholipids (continued) The phosphate end of the molecule is water soluble; the fatty acid end of the molecule is water insoluble. CH3 CH2 CH2 CH3 O– CH2 CH2 CH2 H3C - N+ - CH2 - CH2 - O - P - O - CH2 O CH2 CH2 CH CH3 O HC - O - C - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH O H2C - O - C - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH2 - CH3 polar head glycerol fatty acid tails (hydrophilic) (hydrophobic) Fig. 2-19

34 3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 3: Steroids
Steroids contain four carbon rings fused together. Various functional groups protrude from the basic steroid “skeleton”. Cholesterol is a steroid found in cell membranes.

35 3.4 What Are Lipids? Group 3: Steroids
Testosterone and estrogen are male and female reproductive hormones, respectively, and are steroids. OH CH3 CH3 HC CH3 CH2 HO CH2 (b) Estrogen CH2 HC CH3 OH CH3 CH3 CH3 CH3 HO O (a) Cholesterol (c) Testosterone Fig. 2-20

36 3.5 What Are Proteins? Functions of proteins
Proteins act as enzymes to catalyze many biochemical reactions. They can act as energy stores. They are involved in carrying oxygen around the body. They are involved in muscle movement.

37 3.5 What Are Proteins? Some proteins are structural and provide support in hair, horns, spider webs, etc. Fig. 2-21


39 Proteins are formed from chains of amino acids.
3.5 What Are Proteins? Proteins are formed from chains of amino acids. All amino acids have the same basic structure: A central carbon An attached amino group An attached carboxyl group An attached variable side group


41 3.5 What Are Proteins? Amino acid structure variable group R H O
amino group carboxylic acid group N C C H O H H hydrogen Fig. 2-22

42 3.5 What Are Proteins? More and more individual amino acids are added to the peptide until a polypeptide (protein) is formed. amino acid amino acid peptide water H R O H R O H R O H R O N C C + N C C N C C N C C + O H H O H H H O H H H H O H H H amino group carboxylic acid group amino group peptide bond Fig. 2-23

43 Three-dimensional shapes give proteins their functions.
3.5 What Are Proteins? Three-dimensional shapes give proteins their functions. Long chains of amino acids fold into three-dimensional shapes in cells, which allows the protein to perform its specific functions. When a protein is denatured, its shape has been disrupted and it may not be able to perform its function.

44 Structure of nucleic acids
3.6 What Are Nucleic Acids? Structure of nucleic acids Nucleic acids are long chains of similar, but not identical, subunits called nucleotides.

45 Structure of nucleic acids (continued)
3.6 What Are Nucleic Acids? Structure of nucleic acids (continued) All nucleotides have three parts. A five-carbon sugar (ribose or deoxyribose) A phosphate group A nitrogen-containing molecule called a base

46 Deoxyribose nucleotide
3.6 What Are Nucleic Acids? Deoxyribose nucleotide base NH2 phosphate C N C N OH HC O C CH N HO P O CH2 N O sugar H H H H OH H Fig. 2-25

47 3.6 What Are Nucleic Acids? Types of nucleotides
Those that contain the sugar ribose. Those that contain the sugar deoxyribose. Nucleotides string together in long chains as nucleic acids with the phosphate group of one nucleotide bonded to the sugar group of another.

48 3.6 What Are Nucleic Acids? Nucleotide chain base sugar phosphate
Fig. 2-26

49 DNA and RNA, the molecules of heredity, are nucleic acids.
3.6 What Are Nucleic Acids? DNA and RNA, the molecules of heredity, are nucleic acids. There are two types of nucleic acids. Deoxyribonucleic acid (DNA): contains the genetic code of cell Ribonucleic acid (RNA): is used in the synthesis of proteins


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