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What was the Cold War?.

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Presentation on theme: "What was the Cold War?."— Presentation transcript:

1 What was the Cold War?

2 Learning objective – to be able to define the Cold War.
I can describe the key Features of the Cold War. Grade 6 I can explain the key features of the Cold War. Grade 3 I can explain and give examples of the key features of the Cold War. Grade 1

3 Starter - Pick the four of statements below which accurately describe the meaning of the Cold War?
The Cold War influenced world affairs throughout this period. The Cold War took place between 1939 and 1989 A cold war is a war waged with an enemy by every means but direct fighting. It took place between 1945 and 1991. A Cold War involved direct fighting between its main protagonists. The Cold War was between two major ‘Superpowers’ – The USA and the USSR. The Cold War only involved Europe. The Cold War only involved countries with dictators.

4 What were the key features of the Cold War?
A conflict of ideas








12 Task Cut out the factor cards and stick them in your book. Then match the factor cards with the Cold War events below; writing the events beside the correct factor card. Use your text book to help you research this. U2 incident The Marshall Plan – The Vietnam War – SALT agreement US explodes the first atom bomb Formation of NATO Khrushchev’s visit to USA Berlin Wall built The Korean War – Berlin Airlift – The Cuban Missile Crisis INF Treaty Sputnik is launched USSR Invasion of Afghanistan Formation of the Warsaw Pact Reagan’s ‘Evil Empire’ Speech

13 Convert this diagram into a full page infographic in your exercise book

14 Choose your own plenary
Write a 50 word definition of the term ‘Cold War’. Summarise the Cold War in 5 newspaper headlines. Fill your brain! – Draw an outline of your brain and fill it with words and images that summarise the lesson.

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