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Outcomes from consultation of pressures and threats list

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1 Outcomes from consultation of pressures and threats list
Expert group on Reporting under the Nature Directives, 18 October 2016 Outcomes from consultation of pressures and threats list

2 Background information
options for revising the reporting of pressures and threats presented to EG on November 2015 (driver based list preferred to impact oriented list ; level 2 - insufficient level of detail) a test version of the revised list for EG on 15 March 2016 (revision of nomenclature, 1st steps towards driver oriented list: reworking categories Agriculture, Forestry and linking Pollution, Hydrological changes and Invasive species to drivers)

3 Background information
restrained meeting of the EG on 14 March 2016 (affirmation of driver based list relevant for policy makers, compromise between level 2 and 3) written consultation during summer 2016 (a draft version of list reflecting outcomes of restrained group; categories Pollution and Hydrological changes split under other categories) main objective to identify unclear, overlapping and missing pressures

4 Overview of consultation
Replies from: 10 MS & 1 stakeholder: Birdlife c. 200 suggestions concerning existing pressures & c. 70 suggestions for addition of new pressures

5 Outcomes from consultation – general comments
Simplification to 2 levels: MS generally supported the reduction of complexity and welcome the simplification to 2 levels; on the other hand the link to reporting pressures in the SDF and use of the list at the site level needs more detailed categories

6 Outcomes from consultation – general comments
2) Problems with practical use of the cause/driver oriented list: ecological meaning of pressures has been lost but the experts are more familiar with effects; there are cases where driver oriented list will not be sufficient to address main pressures ( e.g. in case of Roads, genetic isolation, direct mortality destruction of habitats during road construction needs to be addressed differently); it is not possible to report for some pressures for which it is impossible to identify a driver or a driver is unknown

7 Outcomes from consultation – general comments
3) Splitting former Pollution and Hydrological changes categories into other categories: have no ecological meaning, it is difficult to distinguish different sources of pollution and hydrological changes are often linked to multiple drivers; repeating hydrological changes and pollution related pressures under each category adds complexity to the list; on the other hand pollution is a result of other drivers and not a driver itself

8 Outcomes from consultation – general comments
4) Some lack of clarity still remains for several categories: language should be improved; notes providing examples and explanation should be added 5) Problems with some crosscutting issues: intensification as a general pressures is included under Agriculture but it is redundant to some other specific pressures; N-deposition general pressure is not included in the list but pressures related to N-deposition are now split in different categories

9 Outcomes from consultation – general comments
6) Invasive species: Invasive species is a separate category, but this category does not represent a sectoral driver. It could be split under existing categories reflecting the reason for introduction 7) Construction of buildings and development of infrastructure: similarly as for pollution this general pressure is now repeated/ split into different categories 8) Definition of 'surface waters'

10 Outcomes from consultation – specific comments
missing p. A Agriculture 45 7 B Forestry 26 13 C Extraction of minerals and energy resources 9 6 XX Energy production processes and related infrastructure development 18 4 D Development and operation of transportation and service corridors 5 E Development and construction of residential, commercial, industrial and recreational infrastructure and areas 14 YY Operation and use of residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational infrastructure and areas 19 F Fishing, Hunting and removal/killing of species 16 G Military action, crime, public safety measures, and other human intrusions 12 8 I Invasive species, problematic species and genetic pollution 1 K Natural processes (excluding catastrophes and processes induced by human activity or climate change) 3 L Geological events, natural catastrophes M Climate change 2 Types of comments: definition is still unclear missing pressures overlaps

11 Discussion Pollution and hydrological changes. Should we return to original categories or keep under the separate categories and add ‘Other’ category for mixed pollution? The list addresses the construction of buildings and infrastructure under several categories, should these be combined under one category (with respect to previous point)? Pressures related to intensification under A - Agriculture are overlapping with other pressures (irrigation, fertilization and others) Should we remove pressures related to intensification?

12 Discussion Should invasive species, problematic species and genetic pollution be a separate category or should it be split into different sectors? How detailed should we be on the impacts of individual renewable energy technologies, do we need additional pressures? Should we distinguish between E - Development and construction of residential, commercial, industrial and recreational infrastructure and areas and YY - Operation and use of residential, commercial, industrial, and recreational infrastructure and areas or should we merge them? Do we need a new category Marine aquaculture? Do we need L - Geological events, natural catastrophes?

13 Next steps What needs to be done:
Address specific comments from consultation and EG discussions Elaborate a column with explanation Add level 3 and level 4 pressures from the previous list Make a crosswalk with previous list Next steps: Revised draft list of pressures and threats for the EG in March (potentially a dedicated discussion meeting one day before the EG) Final list of pressures and threats ready by the end of April 2017

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