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Published bySabine Koenig Modified over 6 years ago
MARSE Rule Revisions Effective October 18, 2011 Introductions
Staff introductions with contact information (See next slide) Summary of Power point (See slide three) Ground Rules: Please keep your phones muted If you have questions please use the chat function If you are unable to use the chat function we will unmute at the end of the presentation for verbal questions. We will address all questions at the end of the presentation PAUSE BETWEEN SLIDES Effective October 18, 2011
Office of Special Education Program Accountability Unit
Sheryl Diamond Cheri Oczepek Nancy Rotarius Joanne Winkelman 12/1/2018
Agenda Purpose Premise Process Overview 12/1/2018
Purpose of Revision Alignment with federal requirements
Remove duplication of federal language Removed language that has no basis in federal or state law Purpose of the Revision: Alignment with federal requirements Removed duplication of federal language Removed language that has no basis in federal or state law 12/1/2018
Premise of State Law Compliment Completes Gaps Clarifies 12/1/2018
We compliment, fill gaps, clarify federal rules Streamline rules to avoid duplication of federal laws entire system is being reviewed 12/1/2018
Rule Making Process Stakeholder Input Rule Process Public Comment
Revision Withdrawn Rule Making Process: Stakeholder Input Rule Process: SOAHR, JCAR, LSB Public Comment Revised Withdrew two rules re: cross categorical teacher and hearing impaired teacher, these are not included in this packet, nor will we be addressing this in the power point or Q and A. 12/1/2018
Staffing If you have questions re: this section, please use the blue cards 12/1/2018
R 340.1011-340.1017 School Social Work Overview Updated Language
Alignment with National Standards R Updated language Not Revised since 1979 Involves roles, competencies and qualifications Preparation and approval process Aligns with national and state standards for SSW MDE sent new rules to IHE’s IHE’s have 2 years to come into compliance Impact IHE: need to review and revise programming SSW candidates and current: increase functions, added competencies, added to MET 12/1/2018
R a: Pg. 28 Teacher Consultant Without A Student Caseload Assignment; Evaluation and Consultation Assignment; Responsibilities Revised and Clarified Assignments and Responsibilities R a TC without a Caseload New Rule TC with Evaluation and Consultation Assignment can: Consult with Teachers on behalf of students with disabilities Evaluate students The teacher consultant shall not serve in supervisory or administrative roles and perform the function of a teacher consultant simultaneously TC without a caseload should not appear on an IEP 12/1/2018
R : Pg. 28 Teacher Consultant With A Student Caseload Assignment; Responsibilities Revised and Clarified Assignments and Responsibilities R : TC with a caseload TC with a caseload can: Consult with Teachers on behalf of students with disabilities Evaluate students Work directly with student providing instructional services The teacher consultant shall not serve in supervisory or administrative roles and perform the function of a teacher consultant simultaneously If a TC is required to provide direct service to a student, as reflected in an IEP, that TC now falls under the category of “with a caseload” No caseload number changes IMPACT: Reporting of Staff Teacher Assignments Delivery of Services 12/1/2018
R : Pg. 40 Early Childhood Special Education Teachers; Special Requirements Three options for Early Childhood Special Education Teacher R : Early Childhood Revised to reflect new state board of Ed standards 2. Three options An endorsement in both early childhood and special education A major or minor in early childhood growth education or child growth and development and a special education endorsement with full approval from MDE An endorsement with a designation of ZS (early childhood general and special education) 3. A teacher who has received full approval as a teacher of preprimary age impaired students shall be deemed to have full approval as an early childhood special education teacher, if the teacher possesses a valid Michigan teaching certificate This is just a revision from the previous rules 4. IHE programing is currently being reviewed IMPACT Staffing of Early Childhood Programs IHE Course Offerings 12/1/2018
Teachers of Students Requiring Adapted Physical Education Requirements
R : Pg. 41 Teachers of Students Requiring Adapted Physical Education Requirements Increased Educational Requirements Revisions R : Teachers of Students Requiring Adapted Physical Education Requirements These rules have not been revised since the 1980s. Changed title to align with national language (changed from adaptive to adapted) Increased semester hours from 9 to 20 courses (not special education) Modified and added competencies that courses must address These rules are revised to reflect current practices and standards. Michigan will now accept a certified adapted PE educator (CAPE) through the adapted PE national standards process (CAPE) 12/1/2018
Teachers of Students Requiring Adapted Physical Education; Role
R : Pg. 42 Teachers of Students Requiring Adapted Physical Education; Role Assessment Clarification of Roles R : Teachers of Students Requiring Physical Education Role Clarified the roles Assess students for the purpose of providing adapted physical education. Provide supportive services in general physical education and consultative services to general education physical education teachers They can still provide adapted PE instruction IMPACT IHE Offerings Adapted PE knowledge base and role Expanded Supports for Students 12/1/2018
Teachers of Students With Visual Impairments; Special Requirements
R b: Pg. 45 Teachers of Students With Visual Impairments; Special Requirements Revised Educational Requirements R b: Teachers of Students with Visual Impairments; Special Requirements Did not increased required semester hours Clarified and modified the required knowledge basis of VI Teachers IMPACT IHE Course Content 12/1/2018
Part Two Rebirth 12/1/2018
R Initial Evaluation Timelines, IEP District Responsibilities, and Due Process Procedures Revise Rescind Move R Initial Timelines, IEP District Responsibilities, and Due Process Procedures: Cheri/Nancy/Joanne Ambiguities, missing definitions, lacked clarity, created noncompliance. Use of school days and calendar days in the former rule was inconsistent. 12/1/2018
Request for Initial Evaluations
R : Pg. 12 Request for Initial Evaluations Referral vs. Request Calendar vs. School Days R Request for Initial Evaluation: Removed word referral, now request for an initial evaluation for ages 3-26 Changed Calendar Days to School Days for Request Timeline Removed duplication of the federal notice requirements Refers to notice requirements of § Removed the description of the types of special ed programs in the ISD, No statutory requirement, available in the ISD plan Note: The consent is only required if the District is determines that evaluation is necessary 12/1/2018
R 340.1721a: Pg. 12 Initial Evaluation Consistent with Eligibility
Removed Parent Input Removed Pre-Referral R a Initial evaluation: Made language consistent with the eligibility rules Removed duplicated REED requirements Removed parent input requirement because this is required in federal regulation Removed pre-referral because there is no referral in Michigan rules Maintains Special Education Consultation to General Education personnel 12/1/2018
R 340.1721b: Pg. 12 Time lines Written Request
Notice and Request for Consent Reevaluations Extensions R b:For Initial Evaluations and Reevaluations There is now 10 school days from receipt of written request for ANY evaluation to provide written notice and consent to evaluate (used to be 7 calendar days) Avoids vacation/holiday scheduling issues Makes it consistent with the rest of the rules 2. Notice is now provided by public agency not superintendent or designee 30 school days from consent to FAPE applies to ALL evaluations not just initials 3. IMPORTED FROM R c 4. Extension: needs to be in writing and measured in school days Example: A parent requests an evaluation. Within 10 school days the public agency provides notice and requests parental consent. Parent returns consent, 30 day timeframe for offer of FAPE or determination of ineligibility begins. 12/1/2018
R 340.1721b Time lines Offer of FAPE Documentation of Delivery
Initiation of IEP R b: Timelines Offer of FAPE Replaced the superintendent with public agency for providing offer of FAPE or determination of ineligibility Added a new timeline: within 7 school days from the date of the IEP meeting, the public agency must provide the notice of FAPE The offer of FAPE needs to include where will the programs will be provided and when the IEP begins The public agency shall document mode and date of delivery (It is not required to use registered mail, just document mode and date of delivery), For ONLY Initial Offer of FAPE, the parent has 10 school days to provide parental consent to initial provision of services Initiation of Services 15 school days after initial consent or parental receipt of notice 12/1/2018
R 340.1721b Time lines Transfer Students
Align with Federal Regulations Immediately Provide FAPE Parent Consent vs. Consultation Previous language required parent consent, consultation with the parents is now required Following federal regulation, except the feds don’t use the wording immediately provide FAPE No longer a distinction between in state and out state, this is addressed in federal language Refers to § for implementation of IEP A decision regarding implementation within 30 school days of enrollment Note: If you find out a student has an IEP after 30 days of enrollment, hold an IEP ASAP, and document when you became aware of the IEP. 12/1/2018
R e: Pg. 13 IEP IEP Content Resident vs. Operating Responsibilities R e: IEP Change Title Removes Superintendent or designee for the convening of IEP Refers to Requirements of IDEA Added that annual goals and short term objectives need to be measurable Retained short term objectives, because it is not required in federal Removed PLAAFP in federal language Removed requirement for IEP team to consider need for Particularly Endorsed Teacher, no basis in federal or state la Imported language from 1721d, The IEP shall not be restricted to the programs and services available Removed references to Michigan School for the Blind Imported 1721c(1): Resident District conducts the initial IEP, and all subsequent or authorize the operating district Imported 1721b(2): Upon the request of the parent a representative of the district of residence shall be invited to the IEP if the district has authorized the operating district to conduct subsequent IEPs 12/1/2018
District Responsibilities
R : Pg. 15 District Responsibilities Revisions and Removals Updated and Clarified Imported 1722a R : District Responsibilities Revised the title Removed duplication of federal language: Continuum of Placements, instruction in general education, homebound, hospital….. Updated and clarified language Imported the old 1722a (1722(2)): IEP Implementation IMPACT District Evaluation Policies and Procedures Revision of Forms Revision of Parent Information Materials Staff Training Data Input 12/1/2018
Part 10 If you have questions regarding this section, please you the green cards 12/1/2018
R 340.1862: Pg. 58 Part 10: Birth to Three Brand New IEP vs. IFSP
Michigan Special Education Eligibility Removes Part B Requirements R Birth to Three: Sheryl/Joanne/Cheri Brand new part and new rule for special education eligible children birth to three years old Rational: IEP doesn’t work for 0-3 years old Retains the word referral for all children 0-3 It eliminates the use of an IEP for children birth to three Requires the use of an Individualized Family Service Plan (IFSP) in determining and documenting eligibility for Michigan Special Education Children, birth to three Evaluation must meet the requirements of parts 303 and R to R Adopts Part C 45 calendar days for evaluations Birth to Three is not covered by Part B 0-3 is covered by Part C, Section 303 12/1/2018
Questions 12/1/2018 Reminder re: questions
Please keep your phones muted If you have questions please use the chat function If you are unable to use the chat function we will unmute at the end of the presentation for verbal questions. Once the phone is unmuted Please raise your hands via the computer 12/1/2018
Office of Special Education Program Accountability Unit
Sheryl Diamond Cheri Oczepek Nancy Rotarius Joanne Winkelman WEB ADDRESS: 12/1/2018
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