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Diocese of St Davids Conference October 2012

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1 Diocese of St Davids Conference October 2012
A model of ministry and training Bob Jackson

2 An interesting thought
“The growth of any movement is in direct proportion to the success of that movement in mobilising the total membership for the propagation of its beliefs” (Kenneth Strachan)

3 Challenge but also opportunity
We have tended to work with a ‘practitioner and client’ or ‘shepherd and flock’ model of church that fails to mobilise the people of God for the church’s mission Moving to a ‘whole people of God’ model of church might be enforced by falling stipendiary numbers but it may also be good for the mission and growth of the churches

4 William Temple “The evangelisation of the country is a work that cannot be done by the clergy alone; it can only be done to a very small extent by the clergy at all. There can be no widespread evangelisation across the nation unless the work is undertaken by the lay people of the Church………………

5 William Temple …….the main duty of the clergy must be to train the lay members of their congregations in their work of witness.”

6 Missionary Communities
Focal Ministers and Missionary Communities

7 Every Vicar with a Church, every Church with a Vicar
In the Garden of Eden Key: The Flock The Shepherd Every Vicar with a Church, every Church with a Vicar

8 After the Fall… in numbers
Key: The Flocks The Ranchers “Cursed is the ground… by the sweat of your brow you will eat your food”

9 “I, even I only,am left” (Elijah)
The Nightmare Vision Key: Sheep without a shepherd Vicar having nervous breakdown “I, even I only,am left” (Elijah)

10 “The load is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone” Jethro
Arise the Team Key: The Ministered-to Vicar The ministry Team (NSM, reader, families worker, authorised people) “The load is too heavy for you; you cannot handle it alone” Jethro

11 Focal Ministries Key: Christian community with focal leaders Stipendiary Priest - Focal ministry for one Church - Oversight over others Focal Ministers (each could be a small team) “If anyone sets his heart in being an overseer, he desires a noble heart” [Paul to Timothy]

12 Missionary Communities And all are trained for their roles!
Key: Missionary Communities who share the faith by word and deed Stipendiary Priest - Focal ministry for one Church - Oversight over others Focal Ministers And all are trained for their roles!

13 Threefold Ministry Training
Stipendiary Clergy for oversight and focal ministry Focal Ministers for church community leadership, whatever the hat or title Everybody as part of a missionary community sharing the faith by word & deed Much of the training should be in the parish or the whole church leadership together Focussed on outward mission not interior maintenance

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