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What you need to do: - You need to work through each slide

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What you need to do: - You need to work through each slide - Make sure all work is in your own words - Make it your own - add pictures, change theme/fonts etc. - Check your spelling

To achieve a Pass you must be able to: 2B.P2 Use melodic and harmonic techniques to develop TWO contrasting musical ideas into more extended compositional drafts. To achieve a Merit you must be able to: 2A.M2 Select and use melodic and harmonic techniques to develop TWO contrasting musical ideas into more extended compositional drafts, showing effective use of skills and techniques. To achieve a Distinction you must be able to: 2A.D2 Demonstrate skilful selection and effective use of melodic and harmonic techniques to develop TWO contrasting musical ideas into more extended compositional drafts, showing imagination and flair.

3 Task Learning aim B: Develop, extend and shape music for performances
Scenario You have been taken through to the second stage of the interview process. The broadcasting company now need you to show how TWO of these ideas could be developed further. Again, it is important to show that you can compose in different styles, so you should choose TWO of your initial ideas that are different in character to develop further. Shaping Musical Ideas ___________________________ Block structures (binary, ternary, rondo, arch, ground bass) Style Introductions Codas Song structures (12 bar blues & other templates, verse-chorus constructions) Effective use of repetition & contrast Pace, e.g maintaining momentum Contrast Balancing repetition & change

4 B. Portfolio of TWO extended ideas, notated in an appropriate format
B. Portfolio of TWO extended ideas, notated in an appropriate format. EXTENDED IDEA 1 1. EXTENDED IDEA: write the name of the initial idea you have chosen to extend here Take your initial idea further than experimentation and exploration, extending and developing musical ideas to show use of compositional techniques, and evidence your composition here:

5 EXTENDED IDEA 1 Composition Process

6 B. Portfolio of TWO extended ideas, notated in an appropriate format
B. Portfolio of TWO extended ideas, notated in an appropriate format. EXTENDED IDEA 2 2. EXTENDED IDEA: write the name of the initial idea you have chosen to extend here Take your initial idea further than experimentation and exploration, extending and developing musical ideas to show use of compositional techniques, and evidence your composition here:

7 EXTENDED IDEA 2 Composition Process

To achieve a Pass you must be able to: 2B.P3 Use musical structures to develop ONE compositional draft into a completed composition. 2C.P4 Present musical ideas in an appropriate format with clarity. To achieve a Merit you must be able to: 2B.M3 Select and use appropriate musical structures effectively to develop ONE compositional draft into a completed composition to fulfil a given brief. 2C.M4 Present musical ideas in an appropriate format with clarity and accuracy. To achieve a Distinction you must be able to: 2B.D3 Demonstrate skilful selection and use of appropriate structures to effectively develop ONE compositional draft into a completed composition, showing imagination, style and flair as appropriate given the brief. 2C.D4 Present musical ideas in an appropriate format with clarity, accuracy and attention to detail.

9 Task Learning aim B: Develop, extend and shape music for performances
Learning aim C: Present compositions appropriately Scenario You have been given the job! Your first assignment is to take ONE of your extended ideas and complete it to a finished composition. Your work should have a complete structure, and be notated clearly in an appropriate format. Shaping Musical Ideas ___________________________ Block structures (binary, ternary, rondo, arch, ground bass) Style Introductions Codas Song structures (12 bar blues & other templates, verse-chorus constructions) Effective use of repetition & contrast Pace, e.g maintaining momentum Contrast Balancing repetition & change

10 Evidence your composition here:
B & C. Portfolio of ONE completed composition, notated in an appropriate format. COMPLETED COMPOSITION: write the name of the initial idea you have chosen to complete here One of the extended musical ideas should be developed into a fully completed composition. When completing this composition remember to consider techniques commonly used to shape musical ideas into full compositions. Evidence your composition here:

11 Completed Composition Process

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