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Lead up to the Congress of Vienna

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1 Lead up to the Congress of Vienna
The Napoleonic Wars Lead up to the Congress of Vienna

2 How were the Napoleonic Wars Revolutionary?

3 Revolutionary Warfare
Domestic policy and foreign policy flow from each other War, one of the primary tools of foreign policy, requires money, often obtained from taxation, which is a key component of domestic policy Napoleon’s quest for Empire impacted the domestic policy of France and enforced changes to the foreign policy regarding those he conquered

4 Revolutionary Warfare
Change in the concept of a nation- a resultant change in the enterprises of the states (gathering taxes, choosing leaders, etc…) Theory and practice of war- no longer was war the purview of aristocratic officers commanding professional soldiers in the name of the monarch Citizen armies (conscripts and volunteers)- war was a national action and the people were the nation then military service became a national duty

5 Revolutionary Warfare
The flight of the aristocrats decapitated the French army during the revolution Therefore the officer ranks became open to those of talent- similar to how Napoleon rose through the ranks The new concept of ‘nation’ allowed for mass mobilization of men and material on a scale never seen before Napoleon inherited a changing military structure and perhaps his greatest achievement was the ability to take each of the new innovations and organize them into a unified vision

6 Who were the enemies of Napoleon?
What were the causes of their involvement? What were the consequences of their involvement?

7 The Coalitions Such was the alarm Napoleon and his armies created that he rarely faced an individual opponent The contagion of revolutionary ideals frightened the regimes of Europe into acting This alarm combined with national ambitions allowed for common cause against Bonaparte Each power’s foreign policy did not revolve around defeating Bonaparte and restoring the status quo They each had their own interests and ambitions- these interests never allowed for full trust

8 The Coalitions Great Britain Austria Prussia Russia
Cause of their involvement Consequences of their involvement (if mentioned) How did they help? Attitude toward revolutionary ideas? Major People involved

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