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Leonhard Maqua, Eurostat Unit A 2

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1 Leonhard Maqua, Eurostat Unit A 2
MICK Managing Integrated Co-operative Knowledge Leonhard Maqua, Eurostat Unit A 2

2 Problem Statement Inconsistent access to applications
Missing links between sources and deployment of knowledge

3 A Generic Solution

4 Managing Integrated Co-operative Knowledge
MICK Managing Integrated Co-operative Knowledge

5 MICK - the Approach Integration of best-of-breed products, using existing open standards: UML for the specifications, XML and CORBA for the integration (middleware), internet standards (like TCP/IP, HTTP, SMTP) for the communication, and so on. off-the-shelf commercial or open source software products existing Commission, IDA, and Eurostat software, services and projects. User oriented, start with a feasibility study collecting user needs and expectations Starting as a sectoral IDA project, covering the needs of Eurostat and the ESS, MICK may become a generic service of IDA later on.

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