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National Reconciliation Week

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1 National Reconciliation Week

2 Curriculum Links Australian National Curriculum/Humanities and Social Sciences/ F-6/7 HASS/Year 3/Knowledge and Understanding/History/ACHASSK062 Days of the weeks celebrated or commemorated in Australia (including Australia Day, ANZAC Day, and National Sorry Day) and the importance of symbols and emblems. (ACHASSK064) Australian National Curriculum/Humanities and Social Sciences/F-6/7 HASS/Year 4/ Knowledge and Understanding/History/ACHASSK083 The diversity of Australia’s first peoples and the long and continuous connection of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Island Peoples to Country/Place (land, sea, waterways and skies) (ACHASS0FK3) Cross-Curriculum Priorities/Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Histories and Cultures/Key Ideas. The broader Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander societies encompass a diversity of nations across Australia. (OI.7) Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander People’s family and kinship structures are strong and sophisticated. (OI.8) The significant contributions of Aboriginal Peoples and Torres Strait Islander Peoples in the present and past are acknowledged locally, nationally and globally. (OI.9)

3 What is National Reconciliation Week?
National Reconciliation Week is celebrated each year from 27th May to 3rd June. It is a time to celebrate and build on positive and respectful relationships and connections between Australians and Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people.

4 What is the significance of 27th May and 3rd June?
27th May: This marks the 1967 referendum when more than 90% of Australians voted ‘yes’ to count Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people into the census. It gave the Australian Government the power to make laws for these people. 3rd June: This marks the 1992 ‘native title’ Mabo decision. It recognised that the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people had rights over their land and that the British did not take them over during Colonisation.

5 What is the importance of National Reconciliation Week?
Reconciliation involves building positive, respectful relationships between all Australians and the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people. It helps to create a positive change and to help Australians learn about their shared histories, cultures and achievements. Aboriginals and Torres Strait Islanders have faced many challenges and inequality over the years. These things have prevented them from reaching their potential. Being able to reconcile with them will help lead to respect and better relationships and partnerships.


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