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11B English Course Overview.

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1 11B English Course Overview

2 Goals To continue to foster good reading, writing and speaking skills, especially in the area of persuasive/argumentative text. To focus students on particular reading, writing and vocabulary skills which may be needed for their post-high school endeavors, whether college related or work related. To help students achieve the best scores they are capable of on PSAT and SAT tests

3 Major Course Components
Literature Non-Fiction/Informational Texts Writing- including Research Paper (Jr. Theme) or shorter research projects Vocabulary Building Oral Presentation Technology Integration Class Discussion Each of these components is linked to specific CCSS

4 Plan for the Year Literature for discussion and written analysis
PSAT Prep Activities Persuasive speech, written response, and team debate activities Preliminary Jr. Theme assignments/Research Review Jr. Theme Rough and Final Drafts/Research Projects SAT Prep Activities Return to Literature after research units Vocabulary building and grammar instruction activities will be on-going throughout the year, worked into the activities of the other individual units

5 Possible Literary Works for Study
Animal Farm George Orwell Witness Karen Hesse The Crucible Arthur Miller Night Elie Wiesel To Kill a Mockingbird Harper Lee The Catcher in the Rye J.D. Salinger Selected Short Stories from Lit Anthologies

6 Jr. Theme The preliminary parts of the project will start in the 2nd quarter: topic selection, thesis statement, gathering of resource materials, making of preliminary outline and works cited pages, and rough draft composition The final paper will be due in the 3rd quarter: final draft of 10 page position paper, with cover page and final outline and works cited pages Several exercises/assignments in persuasive/argumentative speaking and writing will occur in the 1st quarter, to help students get prepared to tackle the Jr. Theme project

7 Grading For 11B 1st and 4th quarters: 60% Quizzes, Tests, Final Compositions % Homework and collected Classwork % Class Prep and Participation * 2nd and 3rd quarters the Theme work will count 25% on its own, and the other categories will be adjusted so it all comes out to 100% Formative assessment scores will appear in the gradebook but have a weight of 0%

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