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As you come in, take out a sheet of paper

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1 As you come in, take out a sheet of paper
As you come in, take out a sheet of paper. Write whatever you know about World War I.


3 Causes of WWI – M.A.I.N.

4 M – Militarism Glorification of the military
Increase size of armies so not fall behind other countries and be prepared for war Leads to an “arms race” Germany increases the most but Britain has larger navy

5 A - Alliances Emergence of two major alliances
Triple Alliance – Germany, Austria-Hungary, Italy Triple Entente – Great Britain, France, Russia How is this a problem Attack on one is an attack on all


7 I - Imperialism/Industrialization
Competing for territories/colonies Industrialization helps fuel war machine Sooner or later competition will lead to conflict

8 N - Nationalism Countries begin thinking as one ethnic group
Not care for minorities (weakens a country) Want to glorify their county – patriotism Idea of Social Darwinism Destabilized multinational countries such as Austria-Hungary Country of Serbia wants area in A-H that is ethnically Serbian

9 The Trigger June 28, 1914 Assassination of Archduke Ferdinand of A-H in Sarajevo By a Bosnian/Serb nationalist

10 A Domino Effect Germany has A-H’s back A-H makes demands on Serbia
Serbia says no A-H declares war on Serbia Russia has Serbia’s back – so mobilizes for war Germany declares war on Russia and attacks Belgium France and Britain declare war

11 Stalemate On Western Front, Germany attacked into France but stopped 30 miles from Paris by Britain and France. Thanks to new technology (machine guns, better artillery, planes, gas, etc…), use trenches If attacking trenches/defenders then suffer high casualties Germans, French, British suffer 2 million in two battles




15 Trench Foot

16 Mustard Gas Causes blisters, burns, respiratory problems, internal bleeding

17 What is America to do? Wilson wants neutrality 3 Groups
Stay out of conflict Issue about who people in America would support Most Americans did favor Britain and France because of historical roots and Governments 3 Groups Isolationists – stay out Interventionists – join Internationalists – peace (Wilson)

18 Testing America’s Neutrality
Britain used superior navy to blockade Germany so Germany attempts to use U-boats to sink their ships/supplies German U-boat sinks Lusitania (May 1915) 128 Americans die Was an unarmed passenger ship carrying ammunition/weapons US warns Germany who does Sussex Pledge Promise not to sink unarmed ships



21 US makes Preparations National Defense Act Naval Construction Act
Expand size of the army Naval Construction Act Build more warships

22 America Joins Two Triggers
(1)Germany starts unrestricted sinking in Feb 1917 (2) Zimmerman Note – Germany tells Mexico to join them and invade US US declares war on April 6, 1917

23 On the sheet of paper you took out at the start of class, write down what the four causes of WWI are and something interesting you learned. Be sure I get it before you leave.

24 The Home Front

25 American Mobilization
Congress passes Selective Service Act Draft – 24 million, only 2.8 million drafted Government’s Role Regulation of food, coal, steel, what crops are produced, railway use Turn away from free enterprise/laissez-faire policies Attempt to shape public opinion with Committee on Public Information – Propaganda

26 Government’s Role With CPI and propaganda, most Americans get behind the war effort Govt not like it if you are against the war Espionage Act – can ban “treasonable” or “seditious” newspapers, magazines, etc… Sedition Act – unlawful to speak negatively about America’s govt Schenck v. US - Supreme Court says 1st Amendment can be limited when need for public order is pressing

27 Helping the Allies To address German U-boat problem, use convoy system – great success

28 Allies are Struggling Russia has a democratic revolution in March 1917 with overthrow of Tsar Nicholas Then radical Bolsheviks overthrow the provisional government in November 1917 Bolsheviks under Lenin sign Treaty of Brest-Litovsk with Germany ending the war between the two Now, Germany can focus on the Western Front

29 American Troops Arrive
US helps to replace Russia Troops arrive in summer of 1917 – 1918 under command of General Pershing In spring of 1918, Germany launched a massive offensive Fresh American troops help defend Germany suffers heavy casualties

30 Victory Germany surrenders on Nov 11, 1918
10 million dead (40 million casualties) 6.5 civilians dead Wilson wants a lasting peace Introduces Fourteen Points to Congress “peace without victory” Not about spoils of war but ideas

31 Goals of Wilson and Fourteen Points
Self determination, open diplomacy, ending colonialism, free trade, and…. Formation of a League of Nations International government organization with goal of maintaining peace Paris Peace Conference Most of the Allies did agree with Wilson’s idealism. They want reparations and restrictions

32 Problems? New countries are formed in Europe
Break up of Ottoman Empire Ethnic groups were clustered into various states Many powers like Britain simply took control of these Middle Eastern areas Wilson brings treaty back to US for approval of Senate Issue of League of Nations Fails b/c cannot agree on degree of participation US does not join which leads to its eventual failure

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