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Unit 12 Vocabulary Test 3/9 Units 11 and 12.

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1 Unit 12 Vocabulary Test 3/9 Units 11 and 12

2 Unit 12 Slander (n.): words falsely spoken that damage the reputation of another. Romeo’s name would be slandered if it were found out he loved Juliet, a Capulet. Baleful (adj.): destructive, deadly; poisonous. Friar Lawrence picked baleful flowers prior to Romeo’s arrival. Unwieldy (adj.): clumsy; difficult to carry because of bulk or weight. Being so young, some might say the love Juliet felt for Romeo was unwieldy. Sallow (adj.): a sickly, yellowish hue. Romeo’s cheeks were sallow after shedding tears over Juliet. Shroud (n.): burial garment in which a corpse is wrapped. Upon her death, Juliet must be buried in a shroud.

3 Unit 12 (cont.) Beguile (v.): to deceive or mislead.
Juliet and Friar Lawrence formulated a plan to beguile the Capulet family. Canker (n.): a pernicious and malign influence that is hard to get rid of. The cankerous attitudes of Lord Montague were difficult to overcome. Calamity (n.): a serious event causing misfortune. Tybalt enjoyed causing calamity in the streets of Verona. Knave (n.): a deceitful and unreliable scoundrel. The Nurse described Mercutio as a scurvy knave for his unruly and demeaning behavior. Chide (v.): censure severely or angrily. Romeo believes Friar Lawrence chide him in his love for Juliet.

4 Unit 12 (cont.) Vice (adj.): moral weakness.
Romeo’s vice is his blind love for Juliet. Jest (v.): tell a joke; speak humorously. Mercutio liked to jest which would end up costing him his life Woo (v.): make amorous advances towards someone else. Lord Capulet told County Paris he needed to woo her to earn her love. Lamentation (v.): the passionate activity of expressing grief. Romeo lamented Juliet’s death by purchasing poison. Dismember (v.): divide into numerous pieces. When Tybalt fought Romeo he hoped to dismember him.

5 Unit 12 (cont.) Apothecary (n.): a health professional trained in the art of preparing drugs. Romeo visited an apothecary to procure poison. Haste (v.): a condition of urgency making it necessary to hurry. Romeo begged Friar Lawrence to make haste in marrying him and Juliet. Fiend (n.): a cruel, wicked and inhuman person. Tybalt was a fiend for what he did to Mercutio. Dote (v.): shower with love; show excessive affection for. Romeo meets Juliet at her balcony to dote on her. Rouse (v.): cause to become awake or conscious. Juliet wished to rouse Romeo early on their wedding day.

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