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Miller Farms Condominium Association

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Presentation on theme: "Miller Farms Condominium Association"— Presentation transcript:

1 Miller Farms Condominium Association
2018 Annual Meeting 6:30 p.m. May 15, 2018 Springfield Plains Elementary School

2 Agenda Introduce Officers, Developers & Roll Call to determine voting power (35% is a quorum) Review minutes of preceding meeting Budget Review Appoint inspector of election & Vote on Proposals: Board of Directors: 2 Directors ACC: 2 members Proposal 1: Open Space Path Proposal 2: Wildflower maintenance Open Discussions & Motions from the floor

3 Budget, Income & Reserves
Expected 2018 income is $20,174. Not all members have paid yet Budget is less than income. Excess will go to reserves. We beat the Budget in 2017 with exceptions of Party and Front Landscaping, which was added at the 2017 meeting. Why do we need reserves? (Master Deed, Article IV) Private road. Estimated life is 20 years, and repair costs are estimated at $80,000. Current plan is to save ~$4000/year to account for this expense. Funds for repair of other “Common Elements” (target is $10,000 over a 10 year period) Entrance monuments, well, landscaping, irrigation system, & electrical Electrical, Telephone, Gas, Telecommunications Storm water drainage system Other Landscaping, Trail, Gazebo, Trees Budget details are posted quarterly on the forum


5 2017 Budget Status

6 2018 Planned Budget

7 Budget - Reserves

8 Yearly Audit Article 14, Section 14.1. Records
This section of our By Laws depicts that our budget and books be made available upon request This yearly meeting satisfies the requirement to provide copy of the budget to the co-owners This section also requires the need for a yearly audit (at least) 2017 was never completed. Budget and accounting posted and available on our website October 2018, the new directors will plan on contracting our accountant to provide assistance in performing the accounting audit

9 New Directors and ACC Members
Directors Elected to 2 year term ACC Members Elected to 1 year term Summer Sub Party – Leader Neighborhood Garage Sale - Leader

10 New Garbage Company – Community Disposal
Recycle Bins Some have been said to have been lost Spoke with Brian (Owner), and replacements can be obtained by contacting their office ( ) No Fee should be assessed (contact directors if this is a problem) Bins may have a 1-2 week lead time Recycling will be picked up in whatever container you choose to put it in. Please mark or label it to separate from garbage Comments/problems

11 Mailbox Maintenance Many (if not all) mailboxes have been raised
USPS requires 41-45” above road level Exposed posts are being planned to be painted HOA expense for paint Volunteers? If no volunteers, we will hire this out Mailboxes wobbling?? Feel free to pull up post and cement in (homeowners expense) Any maintenance/damage to mailboxes Contact directors. These are HOA property and therefore will be maintained by HOA

12 Street Signs $1400 Approved in 2017 HOA Meeting Installation Cost

13 Edging of Road School Bus Dropoff Parking Individual Yards
Small easement. Directors are submitting blanket approval for each co-owner to backfill with dirt (homeowners expense) Common areas Back fill with dirt in attempt to prolong road life will be investigated for 2019 budget Common areas are HOA expense

14 Fee Assessments Article 18, Section 18.4 Assessment of Fines
This section allows the directors to assess fines to homeowners who do not comply with the by laws Maximum of $0 for 1st offense; $25 for 2nd offense; $50 for 3rd offense; $100 each thereafter Payment of dues Section 2.3.a. calls for the directors to propose a budget. This includes the income portion which is accounted for by HOA dues and garbage expenses Fee schedule will be sent out with 2019 invoices Yard Maintenance. Sections Outlines requirements for maintenance of landscaping and exterior of home June 1 deadline

15 Proposal 1 – Open Space Path
Create a volunteer committee to plan and maintain path on open space to ensure access to all homeowners Mowing costs will be covered by volunteers Bryan Pryor will volunteer for the foreseeable future. Others have shown interest Main Path will be planned and maintained by volunteers. Individual homeowners may maintain an access path if desired, or ask for help from the volunteer committee for an access path This simple grass path allows all of our neighbors to enjoy the open space fully and give more access to those who do not live directly on the open space

16 Existing Path Proposed Path Homeowner Access

17 Proposal 2: Wildflower Meadow Maintenance
Landscape Drawing L2 defines the planned wildflower meadow with over 25 species of flowers

18 The meadow had many more flowers in 2014 when the lots were sold.
The beauty of the wildflower meadow was the primary reason for choosing this neighborhood

19 By 2017 the meadow has lost most of the flowers
By 2017 the meadow has lost most of the flowers. It is now primarily grasses and weeds, with a few patches of milkweed left. It needs maintenance to return to the original planned wildflower meadow. Exhibit L2 states: Annual maintenance shall be provided by Association. Complete restoration will cost the HOA thousands of dollars and has been seen as a low priority in order to keep the dues low.

20 Proposal 2: Wildflower Meadow Maintenance
Proposal: allow individuals to maintain the wildflower meadow and detention basin area at their own expense if desired, using plants defined in the Association Documents. Must use plants/seeds defined in exhibit L2 No burning allowed by homeowners. Mowing only. Would not require individual approval for each planting if using plants already defined on L2. Any other plants would require approval. Restoration to happen in small patches, approximately 10’x10’ or ~100 square feet. Separated by strips of existing grass to prevent large barren areas. The goal is to slowly maintain the meadow over a course of many years rather than a single expensive, obtrusive project.

21 Proposal 2: Wildflower Meadow Maintenance
Flower species that are identified in Exhibit L2 for the Meadow and Detention Basin

22 Proposal 3 – Flowers, Sprinklers (Davisburg Road)

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