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Joe Rawson, Julie Arnold, Megan A. Davis and Clare Miller.

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Presentation on theme: "Joe Rawson, Julie Arnold, Megan A. Davis and Clare Miller."— Presentation transcript:

1 Joe Rawson, Julie Arnold, Megan A. Davis and Clare Miller

2 types of questions asked, and patron satisfaction This study has looked at the similarities and differences between a locally staffed Instant Messaging (IM) reference service and an out sourced Chat reference service, including:

3 The FY 2011 unduplicated worldwide head count is 92,211 FTE (Full time Equivalent ) 31,940 students 23, 922 undergraduate and 8,007 graduate students Over 100 undergraduate and graduate degree and certificate programs fully online. On-site classes in more than 25 countries and territories 55,000 active-duty military service members, reservists, veterans, and their family members are students 71% of students are employed fulltime, 47% are parents 79% of students taking at least 1 online course Source: UMUC Fact Book FY2011

4 Since August 2003, partially outsourced chat/e-mail reference service Since August 2010, library staffed IM service Approval ratings from students for reference responses above 90% Survey results indicate satisfaction with 24/7 library services Biggest complaints are related to technical difficulties Quality of outsourced services continuously monitored by library staff

5 OUTSOURCED CHATIM (INSTANT MESSAGING) August 2003 Students must sign-in Automatic Survey Monitored for quality control by UMUC librarian August 2010 No student sign-in Librarian must include link to survey

6 Specific Search Policy and Procedural Directional Ready Reference Research Holdings/Do You Own? How Do I Cite?





11 Current staffing levels are sufficient to support Chat and IM Staff need to be knowledgeable about policies and procedures Knowledge base (RefManual & Outsourced Manual)RefManual A dedicated staff member to ensure outsourced chat quality Promote awareness of survey through various channels Who is asking what?

12 Staffing levels Training procedures/Manuals Promotion

13 Thank you! Joe Rawson – Megan A. Davis – Julie Arnold Lietzau - Clare Miller –

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