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Energy Vocabulary 2.3 Chastain 2017.

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1 Energy Vocabulary 2.3 Chastain 2017

2 Learning Target To understand closed versus open systems through vocabulary acquisition.

3 Open System A system in which energy can escape into the surroundings. Energy can also enter the system. Example: A fire place: heat escapes the fire place into the room to heat the room.

4 Closed System A system in which energy can not enter or escape.
Example: A Thermos is used to keep your soup warm. Heat does not escape the thermos.

5 Mechanical Energy Is the sum of potential energy and kinetic energy.
Energy of Motion

6 Light (Radiant) Energy
Light energy is the only form of energy that we can actually see directly. It is formed through chemical, radiation, and mechanical means.  Light energy can also be converted into other forms of energy. Light Energy Facts: Light travels at a speed of about 300,000 km/s.

7 Light Energy

8 Light Energy

9 Electromagnetic Energy
A form of energy that is reflected or emitted from objects in the form of electrical and magnetic waves that can travel through space. Examples: gamma rays, x rays, ultraviolet radiation, visible light, infrared radiation, microwaves and radio waves.

10 Electromagnetic Energy Examples

11 Heat Energy (Thermal) (Radiant)
Thermal energy is the energy that comes from heat. This heat is generated by the movement of tiny particles within an object. The faster these particles move, the more heat is generated. Radiant Heat – When heat is transferred through light or space.

12 Heat Energy

13 Electrical Energy Energy made available by the flow of electric charge through a conductor such as a wire. The movement of a charged particle through a wire is called current, or more commonly, electricity. Electricity is used to work various appliances in our homes.

14 Electrical Energy


16 Sound Energy Energy associated with the vibration of matter. The unit of measurement is Joules.


18 Also called atomic energy.
Nuclear Energy Released during a nuclear reaction as a result of fission or fusion. Also called atomic energy.

19 Nuclear Energy

20 Chemical Energy Stored in the bonds of chemical compounds (atoms and molecules). It is released in a chemical reaction, often producing heat as a by-product (exothermic reaction). Batteries, biomass, petroleum, natural gas, and coal are examples of stored chemical energy.


22 Chemical Energy

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