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Lund University, Sweden

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1 Lund University, Sweden
Lund University International Master’s Program in Environmental Studies and Sustainability Science lumes Lund University, Sweden

2 So What is the LUMES program?

3 Basic information Started in 1997
2-years: 3 terms coursework, plus a thesis Entirely in English LUMES alum: 500-plus from roughly 100 countries Group size: students per year applicants per year Application period: October to mid-January

4 Program uniqueness It’s an academic and nonacademic melting pot:
Disciplinary backgrounds Nationalities, and most importantly, the Personalities

5 What the program is (and what it is not…)
Focus on: Global sustainability challenges and their effects in particular places Holistic understanding of socio-ecological systems with an emphasis on the social dynamics/systems Transformative change and governance approaches to problem- solving (silver buckshot) Critical thinking (strengths and weaknesses of theories/frameworks) Not focused on: Training of practitioners!

6 A great program that will only get better…
Redevelopment process: New learning objectives (key competencies) Altered program structure New courses Stronger links with other programs (e.g. Climate risk and disaster management)

7 New Program Structure (autumn 2013)
1st term foundations 2nd term perspectives 3rd term concentration 4th term implementation Earth System Science (10) Governance of Sustain. (7.5) Thesis work (30) Electives (2 x 7.5) Urban & Rural Systems (10) Social Theory & Sustain. (10) Development & Sustain. (7.5) Electives (2 x 7.5) Sustainability Science (10) Knowledge 2 Action (5)

8 Life after LUMES… Ph.D. candidates
Government / administrative posts (local up to national levels) Interest organizations (e.g. WWF) Intergovernmental bodies (e.g. UNEP, FAO, OECD) Corporate / Private sector (e.g. IKEA)

9 For more information

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