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Mindful Parenting In A Topsy Turvy World

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Presentation on theme: "Mindful Parenting In A Topsy Turvy World"— Presentation transcript:

1 Mindful Parenting In A Topsy Turvy World
Captain Of The Ship! Mindful Parenting In A Topsy Turvy World

2 Ahhhh, The LOOVVEE Boat. Sounds like a heavenly place, right
Ahhhh, The LOOVVEE Boat! Sounds like a heavenly place, right! The Captain always knows the right thing to do and say. Any issues are quickly resolved with a smile! The crew is always cooperates with the captain. Everyone is in sync, and HAPPY…life on the boat is GOOD.

3 Captain Merrill Stubing
The epitome of the perfect captain. A consummate professional, happy-go-lucky

4 Captain Qualities Responsibilities A captain is in charge of his crew
Pleasant with others on the job and displaying a good-natured, cooperative attitude Being adaptable, open to change Persistence in the face of obstacles Willingness to lead, take charge, and offer opinions and direction Excellent COMMUNICATOR A captain is in charge of his crew Addresses crew grievances The captain monitors the performance of the staff Ensures that the ship safely and successfully carries out its functions. The Captain of the Ship seems to ALWAYS “have it together”. Give your self permission to be “OK” with not ALWAYS “having it together”! Stop comparing yourself to other parents. Trust in your own internal wisdom.

5 News FLASH!!! We are HUMAN! As parents, we are ALL IMPERFECT. Remember that, and be kind to yourself during the stressful moments….. Stop comparing yourself to other parents and holding yourself to impossible standards and expectations. You are uniquely you.

6 DISconnected Busy schedules, technology, long commutes all lead to families who are DISconnected from one another. Familial bonds are being weakened through distractions and “busyness”. Our incessant busyness can make us run near empty. When we are so caught up in giving to others, fulfilling obligations and getting things done, we forget to reflect on our own well being. We spend so much energy focusing on those aspects outside of ourselves, that we pay little to no attention to really taking care of ourselves and ensuring that our basic needs are met.

7 Khalil Gibran, The Prophet
You are the bows from which your children as living arrows are sent forth. The archer sees the mark upon the path of the infinite, and He bends you with His might, that His arrows may go swift and far. Let your bending in the archer’s hand be for gladness; For even as He loves the arrow that flies, so He also loves the bow, that is STABLE. Khalil Gibran, The Prophet

8 Reconnecting through Mindfulness
Incorporating Mindfulness into our lives, allows us to strengthen relationships, increase well being and bring the family back together. Mindfulness is the “How To” that we are searching for to help us answer everyday issues that we face a parents. Mindfulness allows you to go WITHIN, which is where the answers LIE. You must learn to trust yourself and your own capabilities. Trust that you already have the wisdom to be a perfectly imperfect parent!

9 Watching your mind. Being aware.
What is Mindfulness? Awareness that arises by paying attention to the present moment, without judgement. It is to be “awake” to the Present. Watching your mind. Being aware. Being in the moment is so powerful. It is not about capturing any one instant in time. It refers to being connected with the ever changing FLOW around us. It allows us to take ourselves off of auto pilot, and out of the subconscious mind and really into to the moment by moment experience. Living in such a manner allows us to be aware of our thoughts, feelings and emotions which give us greater control over how we respond a situation in the present moment. This allows us to have greater control of SELF.

10 You must FIRST raise a Mindful SELF
As the Captain of your ship, how do you raise a Mindful family? You must FIRST raise a Mindful SELF The old saying goes, you cannot give what you do not HAVE! It is not selfish to focus on your well being FIRST. It’s our DUTY to take care of ourselves, so that we then may take care of others. The current mantra for my life is “WORRY ABOUT YOURSELF” Know what makes you tick. Know your likes, dislikes. What our boundaries are.

11 At the core of Mindfulness, is SELF Awareness
At the core of Mindfulness, is SELF Awareness. As you enhance SELF Awareness you enhance the capacity for SELF Regulation and SELF Control. We must be aware of how we “show up” in the world. Incorporating Mindful practices such as Meditation enhance the SELF.

12 Accept who you are… then and ONLY then will REAL change BEGIN…
Mindful Tip #1 Accept who you are… then and ONLY then will REAL change BEGIN… In order to become self aware, you must begin by being CLEAR about who you ARE and who you ARE NOT! Be clear about who you ARE NOT going to be anymore! This requires a LONG LOVING LOOK AT THE REAL!

13 Our children are a mirror for our internal work as PARENTS.
Where or How do you begin to bring about real change? Our children are a mirror for our internal work as PARENTS. Our children are a DIRECT reflection of ourselves. Your children will tell you the unadulterated TRUTH about YOU.

14 Vulnerability….the GATEWAY to Human CONNECTION
Allow your children to give you feedback as to how they experience YOU. Don’t be afraid to be vulnerable and show your children that it is OK to be imperfect and allow yourself to make mistakes. Don’t be afraid to apologize. Our children are looking to us for guidance. They love us so much that they want to be just like us and mimic EVERYTHING we do. We must lead by example.

15 Practice Mindfulness and
Mindful Tip #2 Practice Mindfulness and Self Love/Compassion When you recognize that you are in a stressful moment, acknowledge the difficulty. Say to yourself this is hard right now, then ask yourself, “what do I need”? This allows you to build self love and self trust. When you love your self, you trust yourself. When you practice self love, you are more likely to know what you think, feel and want. Self love is a state of appreciation for ones own well being!

16 Look at conflict with your child as an opportunity to GROW and LEARN!
Mindful Tip #3 Look at conflict with your child as an opportunity to GROW and LEARN! Let’s face it children, (like adults) act out when their basic needs are not being met. Ask yourself what is it about the behavior that is triggering you to react the way you do?

17 Mindful Tip #4 Meet your children where they are. When we make a shift, our kids will shift with us! Gift your children with your presSure, yes, our children should be grateful etc etc, but get off your high horse and take a peek at their situation.

18 Gift your children with your presence
“When you love someone, the best thing you can offer is your presence. How can you love if you are not there?” -Thich Nhat Hahn

19 Mindful Tip #5 Practice Mindfulness as a family

20 don’t forget to have FUN!!
Create Family Rituals These rituals can be centered around the dinner table, before or after school, right before bedtime. Remember… don’t forget to have FUN!!

21 Q&A

22 Thank you for coming! Namaste’

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