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Opener: 11/11 - #15 COPY and answer the following in CS:

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Presentation on theme: "Opener: 11/11 - #15 COPY and answer the following in CS:"— Presentation transcript:

1 Opener: 11/11 - #15 COPY and answer the following in CS: Montezuma was the emperor of the Aztec Civilization ( ) during the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Montezuma’s revenge is the term used to describe traveler’s stomach illness and refers to the Spanish conquest of Mexico. Why is “Montezuma’s revenge” an appropriate term for foreigners?

2 The Cultural Geography of Latin America
The Blending of Cultures

3 Ethnic Diversity What is a “melting pot”?
A place where many different cultures come together. What different cultures are in Latin America? Native Americans Europeans Africans Asians

4 The Native Americans Aztecs Mayas Incas
Settled in Mexico Mayas Settled on the Yucatan Peninsula Incas Settled in Peru Olmec, Toltec, and Zapotec were also large civilizations in Latin America.

5 The Colonial Period In the early 1500s, Conquistadors (Spanish conquerors) landed in the Americas. 1519, Hernando Cortes lands in Mexico The Spaniards brought guns, horses, and diseases with them, all which weakened the native American civilizations. A major motive to colonize Latin America was the discovery of Gold and Silver Agriculture (coffee, sugar cane, rum etc.) became a huge part of the colonial economy. Many of the Native Americans were enslaved to help mine and farm.

6 What brought the Europeans to Latin America?
Searching for a shorter route to Asia. Spain and Portugal competed for land in the Americas. To avoid conflict, the Pope set up Line of Demarcation from the North pole to the South pole Spain got lands to the West (central America and most of south America) Portugal got lands to the East (present day Brazil)

7 Line of Demarcation

8 Sugar Cane

9 The Columbian Exchange
The transfer of foods, plants, and animals during the colonization of the Americas.

10 Ethnic Groups Africans Asians (mainly from India and Japan)
Arrived in the 1500s Brought over by the Europeans as slaves to work the fields and mines. Asians (mainly from India and Japan) Arrived in the 1800s Somewhat large Asian population in Latin America even today. Mulattoes and Mestizos resulted from the introduction of new ethnic groups to the area.

11 Cultural Diffusion The Europeans brought their language and Catholic religion, both that are still dominate today. Mestizo: people of mixed European and Native American heritage Mulatto: people of mixed European and African heritage

12 Ethnic Groups 97% of Argentineans are of European ancestry
55% of Bolivians are Native American 95% of Paraguayans are Mestizo 50% of Guyanans are Asian Ethnic groups reflect a diversity of languages as well.

13 History and Government
From Empires to Independence

14 The Fight for Independence
Upper class Latin Americans resented European class structure. First country to achieve independence was Haiti. Francois L’Ouverture-Former Slave led revolt. (1804) First Spanish led country to gain independence was Mexico. (1821) Brazil gained independence without revolution. (1822) Cuba was last to be independent from Spain- 1898

15 Reform and Development
Despite independence, most countries continued to rely on the economic systems established by the European Countries: Rich landowners, farms worked by laborers Cash crops as main export Large plantations Many countries have suffered long periods of violence and civil war as a result.

16 Kahoot! Using your phone, go to in your internet browser…

17 Columbian Exchange Using TB page 136 {& your notes} as a reference, draw the Columbian Exchange.
Your drawing MUST include the following: Title Outline of the continents {label them!} Draw a big arrow for each path between continents {label them!} Each arrow must contain 5 examples of GOODS traded between continents. Include 2 diseases brought over the New World Each good/disease needs a picture, BE CREATIVE - MUST BE COLORED!!!

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