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FYP / FYT Briefing session

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Presentation on theme: "FYP / FYT Briefing session"— Presentation transcript:

1 FYP / FYT Briefing session

2 CTs at HKUST Department No. of CTs CBE 1 CIVL CSE 3 ECE 2 IEDA MAE

3 Why do engineering students need CTs?
Because engineering students typically lack good communication skills Because communication skills are important in life and in one’s career Because HKUST wants to help students prepare for their adult lives and careers

4 Why do engineering students typically lack good communication skills?
Lack of practice Lack of constructive criticism

5 Why do engineering students typically lack good communication skills?
Usually male Task-oriented; just want to get the job done Naturally better at math than language Develop later in communication than females Let mother, sister, girlfriend to most of the talking More cautious to not say something wrong Technical work is often done individually Lack of leadership experience Lack of confidence in English

6 Benefits of Good Communication Skills
Convey your ideas clearly and concisely Avoid misunderstandings Avoid looking less intelligent than you are Help your good ideas gain acceptance Help get a job Communicate well with your boss Communicate well with colleagues Communicate well with clients and distributors Better chance of promotion Important in running your own business

7 FYP Deliverables Proposal (CT helps a lot) Progress report (CT helps)
Five Monthly Reports Individual FYP/FYT Ethics Essay Progress report (CT helps) Final report Self-Assessment Report Project Poster Oral Presentation FYP program code due FYP Demo Video (Optional)

8 Sources of help for your fyp / fyt

9 What Helpful Overall

10 What help your CT provides

11 How Your CT Can Help

12 How Your CT Can Help

13 What students learn from their fyp / fyt

14 What You Can Learn

15 Regrets

16 Regrets

17 Summer work

18 Summer Difficulties

19 Summer Difficulties (September)

20 CT Website

21 CT Website Help

22 CT web access

23 CT Website Demo Access Getting Started Proposal Reports

24 Q&A

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