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Working by the Rules Textbook Resource: Exploring Careers Page

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Presentation on theme: "Working by the Rules Textbook Resource: Exploring Careers Page"— Presentation transcript:

1 Working by the Rules Textbook Resource: Exploring Careers Page 163-165
Workplace Ethics Working by the Rules Textbook Resource: Exploring Careers Page

2 The importance of ethics in the workplace Workplace Ethics Concerns
Today YOU will LEARN: The importance of ethics in the workplace Workplace Ethics Concerns How to handle unethical situations

3 Why talk about Ethics?

4 Ethical behavior is critical to the success of a business!
Definition Ethics Rules of behavior that govern a group or society. Ethical behavior is critical to the success of a business!

5 Dishonesty is at the root of most ethical problems in the workplace
Why talk about Ethics? Dishonesty is at the root of most ethical problems in the workplace

6 The Effects of Ethics on: Employees/Individuals: Reputation
Why talk about Ethics? The Effects of Ethics on: Employees/Individuals: Reputation (Example: Dependability/Trustworthiness Company:

7 Areas of Concern: 1. Time 2. Money 3. Company Property 4. Information
Why talk about Ethics? Areas of Concern: 1. Time 2. Money 3. Company Property 4. Information 5. Treatment of Others You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

8 Work the hours you say you will work
Why talk about Ethics? 1. Time: Arrive at work on time Work the hours you say you will work You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

9 Question? Attendance at school and in class is routinely stressed.
How does going to school regularly now impact your possible success in a career ten years from now?

10 Answers Establish the habit of having good attendance.
Indicates you value the work being assigned and your responsibility in completing the work. Helps you learn and master basic academic skills that may be beneficial on a job site.

11 Use the company’s money wisely and only for company business
Why talk about Ethics? 2. Money: Use the company’s money wisely and only for company business You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

12 Use the company’s property carefully and only for company business
Why talk about Ethics? 3. Company Property: Use the company’s property carefully and only for company business You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

13 Keep company information secret from people outside the company
Why talk about Ethics? 4. Information: Keep company information secret from people outside the company You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

14 Do not abuse or intimidate employees Do not discriminate
Why talk about Ethics? 5. Treatment of Others: Treating your employer, coworkers, and customers fairly, openly, and with honesty Do not abuse or intimidate employees Do not discriminate You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

15 Withholding need information Misuse of Internet and e-mail privileges
Why talk about Ethics? 6. Other: Withholding need information Misuse of Internet and privileges You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

16 How to handle Unethical situations

17 How to handle unethical situations
Report incidents to your supervisor and/or adult in charge Tell the individual you will not tolerate his or her behavior

18 How to handle unethical situations
Do not do things that make you uncomfortable Maintain your integrity Respect the values of your coworkers and others on the job Avoid gossip and rumors Remember that you are accountable for your own actions

19 Ethics & you You don’t have to wait until you have a job to behave ethically. You have many opportunities to behave ethically everyday

20 Ethics & you Behave ethically everyday
Do the right thing when face with a decision or when you witness ethical problems The ethics you practice in areas of your life now will carry over into the work place

21 Activity List terms that describe ethical behaviors.

22 Answers Honesty Confidentiality Dependability Promptness
Getting along with others Respecting other people’s property

23 Activity Give an example of an unethical
practices in a school setting.

24 Answers Giving information about a test Discussing another student’s
grade(s) Cheating

25 What have YOU LEARNED today:

26 Workplace Ethics Working by the Rules?
Textbook Resource: Exploring Careers Page

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