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Current Results from Reactor Neutrino Experiments

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1 Current Results from Reactor Neutrino Experiments
Soo-Bong Kim (KNRC, Seoul National University) “Tsukuba Global Science Week (TGSW2016), Tsukuba, Sep , 2016”

2 Neutrino Mixing Angles
SNO, Super-K; KamLAND Solar Neutrino Oscillation Atmospheric Neutrino Oscillation Reactor Neutrino Oscillation q12 q23 q13 9o (2012) Daya Bay, RENO Double Chooz ~45o (1998) Super-K; K2K 2015 Nobel Prize “Neutrino has mass” “Established three-flavor mixing framework”

3 Neutrino Physics with Reactor
1956 Discovery of (anti)neutrino Savannah River 2003 Observation of reactor neutrino oscillation (q12 & Dm212) KamLAND 2012 Measurement of the smallest mixing angle q13

4 Reactor Neutrinos Reactor Neutrinos Nuclear Power Plants ~5×1020 n/sec Hanbit Cost-free, intense, low-energy & well-known neutrino source !

5 Reactor 13 Experiments RENO at Yonggwang, Korea
Daya Bay at Daya Bay, China Double Chooz at Chooz, France

6 q13 Reactor Neutrino Detectors

7 Comparisons of Reactor 13 Experiments
Baselines RENO DB DC

8 First q13 measurements in 2012
~ 4 years ago Double Chooz Daya Bay RENO Publication PRL 108, (Mar. 30, 2012) PRL 108, (Apr.27, 2012) PRL 108, (May 11, 2012) sin2(2θ13) 0.086 0.092 0.113 Stat. error 0.041 (101 days) 0.016 (49 days) 0.013 (220 days) Syst. error 0.030 (flux uncert.) 0.005 (MC driven) 0.019 (data driven) Significance 1.7 σ 5.2 σ 4.9 σ 1 month 2 weeks

9 RENO Collaboration Reactor Experiment for Neutrino Oscillation
(8 institutions and 40 physicists) Chonnam National University Dongshin University GIST Gyeongsang National University Kyungpook National University Seoul National University Seoyeong University Sungkyunkwan University Total cost : $10M Start of project : 2006 The first experiment running with both near & far detectors from Aug. 2011 YongGwang (靈光) :

10 RENO Experimental Set-up
Far Detector Near Detector 1380m 290m 120 m.w.e. 450 m.w.e.

11 RENO Detector Target : 16.5 ton Gd-LS (R=1.4m, H=3.2m)
Gamma Catcher : 30 ton LS (R=2.0m, H=4.4m) Buffer : 65 ton mineral oil (R=2.7m, H=5.8m) Veto : 350 ton water (R=4.2m, H=8.8m) 354 ID 10” PMTs 67 OD 10” PMTs

12 Detection of Reactor Antineutrinos
(prompt signal) (delayed signal) ~180 ms + p  D + g (2.2 MeV) ~28 ms (0.1% Gd) + Gd  Gd + g‘s (8 MeV) Neutrino energy measurement

13 Coincidence of prompt and delayed signals
(prompt signal) (delayed signal) Delayed signal Prompt signal n-Gd IBD ~30 ms 8 MeV ~200 ms n-H IBD 2.2 MeV

14 Backgrounds 9Li m m m g p n n e Gd Gd n Gd
Accidental coincidence between prompt and delayed signals Fast neutrons produced by muons, from surrounding rocks and inside detector (n scattering : prompt, n capture : delayed) 9Li/8He b-n followers produced by cosmic muon spallation Accidentals Fast neutrons 9Li/8He b-n followers m m m g p n n 9Li e Gd Gd n Gd

15 New Results from RENO Observation of energy dependent disappearance of reactor neutrinos to measure Dmee2 and q13 using ~500 days of data (Aug ~ Jan. 2013) “Observation of Energy and Baseline Dependent Reactor Antineutrino Disappearance in the RENO Experiment” (PRL 116, , 2016) - PRD to be submitted soon for details Measurement of absolute reactor neutrino flux Observation of an excess at ~5 MeV in reactor neutrino spectrum using ~1400 days of data Independent measurement of q13 with n-H for a delayed signal (additional background reduction achieved) Obtained results from a sterile neutrinos search

16 RENO Data-taking Status
Data taking began on Aug. 1, 2011 with both near and far detectors. (DAQ efficiency : ~95%) A B C D A (220 days) : First q13 result [11 Aug, 2011~26 Mar, 2012] PRL 108, (2012) Now B (403 days) : Improved q13 result [11 Aug, 2011~13 Oct, 2012] NuTel 2013, TAUP 2013, WIN 2013 Total ~ 1700 days

17 Delayed Signals from Neutron Capture by Gd

18 Measured Spectra of IBD Prompt Signal
Near Live time = days # of IBD candidate = 290,775 # of background = 8,041 (2.8 %) Far Live time = days # of IBD candidate = 31,541 # of background = (4.9 %)

19 New q13 Measurement by Rate-only Analysis
new result By minimizing PRL 116, (2016)

20 In 2014, RENO showed the 5 MeV excess
The 5 MeV Excess is there ! RENO Double Chooz Daya Bay In 2014, RENO showed the 5 MeV excess comes from reactors. Seon-Hee Seo, SNU Hawaii 2014

21 Observation of an excess at 5 MeV
1400 days of data (Aug – Sep 2015) (Preliminary) The measured near spectrum is compared with prediction using χ2-square test. Fraction of 5 MeV excess: ± 0.27 (%) ~3% Significance of the 5 MeV excess: ~9σ ~2.5%

22 Correlation of 5 MeV Excess with Reactor Power
1400 days of data 5 MeV excess has a clear correlation with reactor thermal power ! two or three reactors are off All the six reactors are on The 5 MeV excess comes from reactors!

23 Correlation of 5 MeV excess with 235U isotope fraction
(Preliminary) 235U fraction corresponds to freshness of reactor fuel Fit function χ2 y = p0 1.407 y = p0 + p1*x 0.233 Δχ2 = 1.174 P-value = 0.240 (End of reactor cycle) (Beginning of reactor cycle)

24 Measurement of Absolute Reactor Neutrino Flux
R (data/prediction) = ± (500 days) The flux prediction is with Huber + Mueller model Flux weighted baseline at near : 411 m *Prediction is corrected for three flavor neutrino oscillation Preliminary Daya Bay Deficit of observed reactor neutrino fluxes relative to the prediction (Huber + Mueller model) indicates an overestimated flux or possible oscillation to sterile neutrinos

25 Reactor Neutrino Oscillations
Probability νe 1.0 flux before oscillation observed here Oscillations observed as a deficit of anti-neutrinos sin22θ13 the position of the minimum is defined by Δm2ee Distance 1200 to 1800 meters cos 2 𝜃 12 Δ 𝑚2 21

26 Energy Calibration from g-ray Sources
Non-linear resonse of the scintillation energy is calibrated using γ-ray sources. The visible energy from γ-ray is corrected to its corresponding positron energy. Fit function : Evis/Etrue = a – b/(1 – exp(-cEtrue – d))

27 Far/Near Shape Analysis for |Dmee2|
PRL 116, , 2016 Minimize Χ2 Function

28 Results from Spectral Fit
Rate+shape new results (± 12 %) (± 10 %)

29 Observed L/E Dependent Oscillation

30 q13 & |Dm2ee| in Daya Bay Neutrino 2016 1230 days data

31 q13: Double Chooz 468 days JHEP 10 (2014) 086 Assuming Dm231 =
 MINOS result

32 Summary: Latest n-Gd Results
Rate + Shape [χ2/NDF ] sin22θ13 ± Total Error |Δmee|2 (×103 eV2) RENO [58.9 / 66 ] 0.082 ± 0.010 2.62 Daya Bay [134.6/146] 0.084 ± 0.003 2.50 ± 0.08 Double Chooz [52.2/40] 0.09 - +0.24 - 0.26 +0.032

33 Future Prospects on q13 Double Chooz RENO Daya Bay Data 3 yrs Near&Far
Δ(sin2(2θ13)) ~10 % ~5 % ~3 % Δ(|m2ee|) - J. FroST

34 n-H IBD Event Vertex Distribution
n-H IBD Analysis| Motivation: 1. Independent measurement of q13 value. 2. Consistency and systematic check on reactor neutrinos. n-H IBD Event Vertex Distribution target g-catcher Seon-Hee Seo, SNU

35 Delayed Spectrum and Capture Time|
Delayed signal peak: ~2.2 MeV Mean coincidence time: ~ 200 ms 35

36 q13 Measurement with n-H (Preliminary, 500 days)

37 Light Sterile Neutrino Search Results
(Preliminary) All 500 days of RENO data Consistent with standard 3-flavor neutrino oscillation model Able to set stringent limits in the region eV2 full curves assumes

38 Summary Observation of energy dependent disappearance of reactor neutrinos and our first measurement of Dmee2 12 % precision 10 % precision Measured absolute reactor neutrino flux : R= 0.946±0.021 Observed an excess at 5 MeV in reactor neutrino spectrum Measurement of q13 using n-H IBD analysis : 0.086±0.019 Obtained an excluded region from a sterile neutrino search sin(2q13) to 5% accuracy Dmee2 to 0.15×10-3 eV2 (5%) accuracy for final sensitivity

39 Thanks for your attention!

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