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N. Fanjeau, Airbus Defence & Space June 11, 2014
HMA-S Specifications OGC OGC RESTful encoding of Sensor Planning Service for Earth Observation satellite Tasking N. Fanjeau, Airbus Defence & Space June 11, 2014 OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Summary Overview Items Operations Methodology
Resources – Capabilities – URLs Resources – Capabilities – HTTP Methods Resources – Procedure – URLs & Parameters Error Handling Requirement Classes Best Practice Demonstrator ETS Resources OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Overview The OGC Best Practice document OGC OGC RESTful encoding of Sensor Planning Service for Earth Observation Satellite Tasking (RESET) is a “RESTful” version of the OGC OGC Sensor Planning Service Interface Standard 2.0 Earth Observation Satellite Tasking Extension allowing accessing to Feasibility and Mission Planning functions via appropriate HTTP requests and not via SOAP based Web Services calls. In this way Feasibility and Planning functions will be available to Web browsers without the need of more complex infrastructures based on SOAP. This protocol covers, in RESTful way, the 6 mandatory operations and 10 optional. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Items Sensor description, which permits to give descriptions of the sensors that can be tasked. These descriptions can be provided in multiple OGC standards, including SensorML, SOS, etc. Tasking requests, which are the requests to be sent, that contain all the information to configure the acquisition of a sensor, or set of sensors; Feasibility Study, which describes the result of a study of feasibility. This preliminary process permits to calculate the possibilities offered by a given sensor to perform a given tasking request. This structure contains a list of Segment, which represent a given acquisition. Programming Status, that describes the results of the submission of a task. It describes the current status of the Segment, which represent a single acquisition. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Operations GetCapabilities M GetStatus M DescribeSensor M GetTask M
DescribeTasking M GetSensorAvailibility O GetStationAvailibility O GetFeasibility O Submit M SubmitSegmentByID O O, Optional M, Mandatory GetStatus M GetTask M DescribeResultAccess O Cancel O Validate O Reservation system: Reserve O Update O Confirm O OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Methodology The structure has been defined after reviewing other OGC REST specifications: WMTS, WFS REST binding change request, WCS Extension for REST binding. Structured by Resources: Capabilities, Procedure, Feasibility, Planning & Reservation. Each resource has a dedicated section including description, URLs, supported HTTP methods. Addressability: each identified resource has specified URLs. Uniform interface: the operations performed on resources are only the Methods of HTTP protocol: GET for reading a resource; POST for creating a resource with ID defined by the server; PUT for creating / replacing a resource with ID defined by the client; DELETE for deleting a resource. Connectdness: each resource has links (URLs) to the other related resources. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Capabilities - URLs
<Service Root URL> extPath> <ROSEO Root Path> <Service Root URL>/RESET/<version> URL Definition <CapabilitiesResourceURL> <ResetRootPath> <ServiceIdentification> <CapabilitiesResourceURL>/identification <ServiceProvider> <CapabilitiesResourceURL>/provider <OperationsMetadata> <CapabilitiesResourceURL>/operations <Notifications> <CapabilitiesResourceURL>/notifications <Contents> <CapabilitiesResourceURL>/contents OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Capabilities – HTTP Methods
URL Definition Request Entity Body Response Entity Body GET <RESET Root Path> It returns the complete capabilities document. Empty <sps:Capabilities > element instance <RESET Root Path>/ServiceIdentificat ion It returns the ServiceIdentificatio n element. <ows:ServiceIde ntification> element instance <RESET Root Path>/ServiceProvider It returns the ServiceProvider element. <ows:ServicePro vider> element instance <RESET Root Path>/Contents It returns the Contents element. <sps:Contents> element instance <RESET Root Path>/OperationsMetad ata It returns the OperationsMetadat a element. <ows: OperationsMetad ata > element instance <RESET Root Path>/Notifications It returns the Notifications element. <sps: Notifications > element instance OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Procedure – URLs & Parameters
Definition <ProcedureResourceURL> <ResetRootPath>/procedures/{procedure} / <Sensor Description> in canonical XML format <ProcedureResourceURL>/{sensorDescript ionFormat} <Sensor and Tasking Description> in OpenSearch Description Document (OSDD) <ProcedureResourceURL>/osdd <Tasking Description> <ProcedureResourceURL>/tasking <Availability> <ProcedureResourceURL>/availability Names Definition Data type and values {procedure} Identifier of the sensor, or sensor type, which description is required. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded {sensorDescriptionFor mat} XML format in which the sensor description is required. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Procedure – HTTP Methods & Parameters
URL Definition Request Entity Body Response Entity Body GET <ResetRootPath>/procedu res/{procedure}/{sensor DescriptionFormat} It returns the description of the sensor in the required format. Empty <eosps: eoTaskingParameters > element instance <ResetRootPath>/procedu res/{procedure}/osdd It returns the ServiceIdentificatio n element. <swes:ServiceIdentifica tion> element instance <ResetRootPath>/procedu res/{procedure}/tasking It returns the ServiceProvider element. <swes: procedureDescriptionFor mat > element instance <ResetRootPath>/procedu res/{procedure}/availabili ty It returns the Contents element. <eosps:GetSensorAvail abilityResponse> element instance Names Definition Data type and value {procedure} Identifier of the sensor, or sensor type, which description is required. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded Allowed values are described in the Capabilities. {sensorDescriptionFormat} XML format in which the sensor description is required. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Feasibility – URLs & Parameters
Definition <FeasibilityResourceURL> / <AllTasks> <ResetRootPath>/feasibility/ <Task Status By ID> in canonical XML format <FeasibilityResourceURL>/{taskId} <TaskSegmentsByID> in canonical XML format <FeasibilityResourceURL>/{taskId}/seg ments Names Definition Data type and values {taskId} Identifier of the task required by the user. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Feasibility – HTTP Methods & Parameters
URL Definition Request Entity Body Response Entity Body GET <ResetRootPath> /feasibility/{taskId} Equivalent to GetStatus It returns the status of a task. Empty < eosps:StatusReport > element instance <ResetRootPath> /feasibility/{taskId}/segments Equivalent to GetTask. It returns the results of a task. < eosps:FeasibilityStudy> element instance POST <ResetRootPath> /feasibility?synchronous={isS ynchronous} Equivalent to GetFeasibility Permits to perform a Feasibility analysis. EO-SPS: Tasking Parameters < eosps:FeasibilityStudy> element instance if synchronous processing <ResetRootPath>/ feasibility/{taskId}/ segments/{segmentID*} Equivalent to SubmitSegmentByID. It permits to submit the segments resulting from a Feasibility Analysis. <eosps:FeasibilityStudy> element instance Names Definition Data type and value {taskId} Identifier of the sensor, or sensor type, which description is required. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded Allowed values are described in the GetTask operation. {segmentId} Identifier of a segment, within the given task, to be submitted for planning. Allowed values are described in the GetTask operation { isSynchronous } A Boolean permitting the client between synchronous and asynchronous processing when starting a feasibility analysis. xs:boolean (true or false) OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Planning – URLs & Parameters
Definition <PlanningResourceURL> / <AllTasks> <ResetRootPath>/planning/ <Task Status By ID> in canonical XML format < PlanningResourceURL >/{taskId} <TaskSegmentsBy ID> in canonical XML format < PlanningResourceURL >/{taskId}/segments <TaskResultsBy ID> in canonical XML format < PlanningResourceURL >/{taskId}/results <SegmentBy ID> in canonical XML format < PlanningResourceURL >/{taskId}/segments/{segmentId} Names Definition Data type and values {taskId} Identifier of the task required by the user. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded {segmentId} Identifier of the segment of the task required by the user. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Planning – HTTP Methods & Parameters
URL Definition Request Entity Body Response Entity Body GET <ResetRootPa th>/ planning/{tas kId} Equivalent to GetStatus It returns the status of a task. Empty <eosps:StatusRe port> element instance <ResetRootPa th>/ planning/{tas kId}/segment s Equivalent to GetTask. It returns the results of a task. <eosps:Program mingStatus> element instance <ResetRootPa th>/ planning/{tas kId}/results Equivalent to DescribeResul tAccess It returns the links to the products generated by the task. <sps:DescribeRe sultAccess Document> - <sps:DataAvaila ble> - <sps:DataNotAv ailable> POST <ResetRootPa th>/ planning/ Equivalent to Submit Permits to perform a Planning request. EO-SPS: Tasking Parameters <ResetRootPa th/ planning/{tas kId}/ segments/{se gmentID*} Equivalent to Validate. It permits to validate a (set of) segment(s). < eosps:StatusRep ort > element instance PUT Not used by this document. DELETE Equivalent to Cancel. It permits to cancel a task that has been submitted earlier. Names Definition Data type and value {taskId} Identifier of the sensor, or sensor type, which description is required. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded Allowed values are described in the GetTask operation. {segmentId } Identifier of a segment, within the given task, to be submitted for planning. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Reservation – URLs & Parameters
Definition <ReservationResourceURL> / <AllTasks> <ResetRootPath>/reservation/ <Task By ID> in canonical XML format <ReservationResourceURL>/{taskId} Names Definition Data type and values {taskId} Identifier of the task required by the user. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources – Reservation – HTTP Methods & Parameters
URL Definition Request Entity Body Response Entity Body GET <ResetRootPat h>/ reservation/{t askId} Equivalent to GetTask. It returns the results of a task. Empty <eosps:StatusRe port> element instance <eosps:Program mingStatus> element instance POST <ResetRootPat h>/ planning/ Equivalent to Reserve Permits to reserve a Planning request. EO-SPS: Tasking Parameters <ResetRootPat h/ planning/{task Id}/ Equivalent to Confirm. It permits to validate a task by sending it to the mission planning system. < eosps:StatusRepo rt > element instance PUT Equivalent to Update. It permits to update the tasking parameters of a task. DELETE <ResetRootPat h>/ planning/{task Id} Equivalent to Cancel. It permits to cancel a task that has been reserved earlier. Names Definition Data type and value {taskId} Identifier of the sensor, or sensor type, which description is required. xs:string (max 255 chars) URL encoded Allowed values are described in the GetTask operation. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Error Handling In the event that a RESET server encounters an error during the access to some resource, then it returns an HTTP response including: HTTP Status Code: 4XX for errors on the client side; 5XX for errors on server side. HTTP Entity Body: ows:ExceptionReport element. The specific values for Status Code and ows:ExceptionReport depend on the accessed resource and performed HTTP method. There are dedicated errors for each of them. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Requirement Classes Core, minimum behaviour that all RESET servers shall implement. Operations Tasking description, Sensor description or Task description. Feasibility, for performing a feasibility analysis process. Planning, for performing a planning process. Feasibility Planning, for performing a feasibility analysis process, and then submitting the results of this process. Reservation, for performing a feasibility analysis process, and then submitting the results of this process. Cancellation, for performing the cancel of planning or reservation process. OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Best Practice OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Demonstrator OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
Resources Google Code:
restful-sps-earth-observation-server opensearch-earth-observation-products-system OGC TC Geneva / HMA-S /FP
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