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TLSI Setup Information

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1 TLSI Setup Information
Your responses to these questions will ensure your responses are matched with those who respond to the survey for you. Please carefully record your personal passcode and group names for future reference. Transformational Leadership Skills Inventory 7.1L Please enter your first and last name. This will only be used for providing a survey report. 2. Please enter a UNIQUE passcode using the Brandman up to i.e. dsmith or gwjones1 BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN YOUR CODE. 3. Please provide your Brandman address to receive your report 4. Provide the name of your cohort mentor. Continue to the next page to complete the Transformational Leadership Skills Inventory. Create TLSi in your phone directory Personal code Donna O’neil

2 G1 – Defined as boss, board member, supervisor, etc.
When you ask someone to complete the Transformational Leadership Skills Inventory, you will give the person a code to use that describes his/her relationship to you. The following definition of the groups (G1 through G5) should be used. G1 – Defined as boss, board member, supervisor, etc. G2 – Defined as peer. A peer is a “colleague” of the leader assessed in the inventory. A peer is “equal” to the leader with an equivalent level in the organization. For leaders using this inventory a peer may also be someone outside the organization but in a similar position. G3 – Defined as subordinate (level 1). This is a respondent that reports to the leader being assessed. G4 – Defined as subordinates (level 2). This is a respondent that reports to the leader being assessed. G5 – Other. This group is flexible based on the specific industry or worked performed. Your group definitions below should be one or two words that will be clear to you when the results are reported. Use only the groups which are appropriate for your position.

3 Phone – TLSi Code
By group, choose either the default label or provide your own short label. BE SURE TO WRITE DOWN THE GROUP NUMBER AND NAME YOU USED. Group 1: Boss n/a Other: Provide short group code Group 2: Peer Group 3: Subordinate Group 4: Subordinate/Support Group 5: Community/Work Group Phone – TLSi Code NOTE: If you are not using a group code, choose n/a Continue to the next page to complete the Transformational Leadership Skills Inventory.

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