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Tee-Yana Harvey Jan 15, nd Hour

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1 Tee-Yana Harvey Jan 15, 2017 2nd Hour
Commercial Project Tee-Yana Harvey Jan 15, 2017 2nd Hour

2 Introduction Everyone wants a attracting scent to their clothes. Gain Detergent is the best choice. It gives a luxurious scent fresh out the dryer and after a long day at work or school. “Wow, your clothes smell good”, is the energy you will receive !!! Gain Detergent have multiple scents and even for sensitive skin. Even after a hard workout at practice, the Gain Detergent fights off all the unwanted smells. I believe Gain Detergent is the best because it fights off stains, have a good smell and comes in a variety of different products.

3 Reason # 1 First off, who wants to buy detergent that cost to much ? With gain it is cheaper than any other detergent price. V.S $9.97

4 Reason #2 Some customers may dislike the detergent while they adore the detergent pods. In 2014 Gain detergent invented the detergent pods, it’s the same but the detergent is inside the pod. So, you just throw them into the washer. Gain Detergent have different products from the detergent itself to the Gain Detergent stain removal to-go sticks. Either product that you prefer, Gain will keep your clothes clean. Also, you don’t have to use as much.

5 Gain Detergent : Variety of Products
Dish washing soap Gain Pods Gain Powder Gain Fabric Softener Beads Gain Regular Fabric Softener

6 Reason #3 Gain was introduced to the market in In 1981 Gain decided to reposition the brand for its fresh scent. With these facts, throughout the years the Gain Laundry brand has made this detergent better than what it was before. To fight off hard to remove tough stains, safe chemicals are added. The special soapy effects will not affect your skin or harm you in such a critical way.

7 Conclusion The Gain Detergent have many safe products to keep your clothes smelling clean and kept stain free. The cost is not high and you do not have to use as much detergent like with tide or any other detergent products. I recommend that you switch to Gain Detergent because the effects of your clothes will have a good outcome after the procedure of cleaning them. It does not have an effect on baby clothes and is safe to wash them in Gain Detergent !!!

8 Sources and Video &scope=web&sp=-1&pq=different+gain+dete&sc=0- 19&sk=&cvid=610BBB7D1D7541C390C6DFE9C8DF7F54&ajf=100 Video :

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