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The Replacement Kicker Rube-Goldberg Device

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Presentation on theme: "The Replacement Kicker Rube-Goldberg Device"— Presentation transcript:

1 The Replacement Kicker Rube-Goldberg Device
Dan Grapski, James Knight Nick Brubaker

2 Overview Our project consisted of shooting a marble up a foam insulator pipe, then having it roll down a sequence of “zig-zags” to knock over a series of dominos in order to finally have our mouse-trap-launcher punt a football.

3 Overview

4 List of Materials Foam Pipe Insulator Mouse Trap Hot Glue
Small Bungee Cord Plywood base Nails TOTAL COST: $14.10 Hot Glue Marble Lots of Duct Tape Dowel Rods Scrap Wood

5 Energy Conversions 1/2kx^2  1/2mv^2 1/2mv^2  mgh

6 Momentum (for dominos):
mgh  1/2mv^2 Momentum (for dominos): mv1  mv2  mv3 …

7 Finally, 1/2kx^2  1/2mv^2 to successfully launch the projectile.

8 Conclusions After completing our project, we decided that simple - looking devices still require a large amount of work and brainstorming. Our device does in fact launch a projectile intended with few inconsistencies. One improvement would be to calculate an angle of launch and attempt to shoot our projectile a certain distance.

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