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Marble Carrier Lab 1 Instructor:

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1 Marble Carrier Lab 1 Instructor:
Today we’ll form teams to design and build a mechanical device that can deliver up to 10 marbles from a tabletop to a receiving target. We will then have three trial runs to compete and see which marble carriers perform the best. Autumn Quarter

2 Purpose Design and build a vehicle that delivers up to 10 marbles from a tabletop to a target located on the floor Table Start Area Outer Target (1/2 pt) Inner Target (1 pt) Instructor: Using the Erector Set kit provided, design and build a vehicle that delivers up to 10 marbles from a tabletop to a target located on the floor. The marble carrier must start on the table behind the line marked “Start Area.” The target on the floor consists of an outer target and in inner target. Each marble that ends up in the inner target will be worth one point, and each marble that ends up in the outer target are will be worth a half point. Autumn Quarter

3 Rules and Guidelines Teams are allowed to use only the parts from the Erector Set® with which they are provided A maximum of 10 marbles is allowed per team The vehicle and marbles must start behind the line marked on the tabletop Only one start action is allowed to start the marble carrier The receiving target may be held in place manually Instructor: Teams are allowed to use only the parts from the Erector Set with which they are provided. That means no swapping of parts between teams, and no using things that are not part of the kit. A maximum of 10 marbles is allowed per team. You cannot put in more than 10 marbles and hope that 10 of those marbles make it into the target area. The vehicle and marbles must start behind the line marked on the tabletop, and only one start action is allowed to start the marble carrier. One push, OR one flip of a switch OR one push of a button counts as a start action, but NOT a switch flip AND a push. The receiving target my be held in place manually so that the marble carrier doesn’t knock it over, but it cannot be moved to try to catch flying marbles. Autumn Quarter

4 Rules and Guidelines The vehicle MUST be reusable
NO practice runs will be allowed on the test desk Any dimension or property of the test area should be measured by the student Participation in RUN #1 requires a completed design Participation in RUN #3 requires participation in RUN #2 Instructor: Also, the vehicle MUST be reusable. This means that parts cannot be permanently damaged and the vehicle should be able to participate in the three trial runs. No practice runs will be allowed on the test desk, so the marble carrier should not be put on the desk until it is time for the competition trial runs. However, any dimension or property of the test area should be measured by the student. This includes table length and height, and target area size. There will be three trial runs. Participation in the first trial run requires a completed design. You may choose not to run if your marble carrier is not ready. However, if you choose not to participate in Run number 2, you cannot participate in Run number 3. Autumn Quarter

5 Rules and Guidelines Modifications (but not redesigns) are allowed between runs The best score from the three runs will be recorded as the final score Any other rules in accordance with the spirit of the competition will be imposed The decision of the instructor is final Final score is based on the best performance of the three runs Instructor: Modifications to the marble carrier are allowed between runs, but total redesigns are not. There will not be enough time between the trial runs to redesign the marble carrier. The best score from the three runs will be recorded as the final score. The instructor may impose any other rules in accordance with the spirit of the competition. The decision of the instructor is final, and the final score is based on the best performance of the three runs. Autumn Quarter

6 Schedule of Events Design and Construct : 60 min RUN #1 : 10 min
Instructor: You will have 60 minutes to design and construct the marble carrier. Each run will take approximately 10 minutes. Be prepared to run the marble carrier when your team is called upon during the trial runs. Autumn Quarter

7 Scoring Instructor: The scoring criteria is based as follows:
70 points will be awarded for completing the vehicle and participating in Run number 1. Another 20 points will be awarded for teamwork as judged by the instructional staff. The final points are based on the performance of the marble carrier, with ten points representing all marbles finishing in the inner target for one of the runs. An additional five point will be awarded to the best designed marble carrier as judged by the instructional staff. Autumn Quarter

8 Today’s Assignment Disassemble vehicle and organize the Erector Set® before leaving the classroom No lab report is required Instructor: Remember to disassemble the vehicle and organize the Erector Set before leaving the classroom. Your teamwork grade could be affected by not properly organizing the lab area. No lab report is required for today’s lab. Autumn Quarter

9 Questions ? Autumn Quarter

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