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“Cage” Reactions Involving Radical Pairs

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1 “Cage” Reactions Involving Radical Pairs
1 “Cage” Reactions Involving Radical Pairs Model System • • • • (R1-R2) homolytic cleavage 3(R1R2) ISC 1(R1R2) recombinations disproportionations

2 The States of a Spin Correlated Radical Pair
2 The States of a Spin Correlated Radical Pair vector model of electron spin Alpha Beta T’s: aa, bb, ab T0 = projection along Hz is 0; magnetic Q#=0 S is similar to T0, just different phasing of spins (180 out of phase) Conversion of T0 --> S = rewinding of one spin In the absence of external Hz, the relative orientation of the triplet states are well-defined, therefore, the net spin of triplet is always =1 The consequence of a the application of a strong Hz field is the splitting of T+ and T- from T0 T0=S therefore transition still probable T+/T- --> S transition is quenched (slow interconversion) • • • • 3(R1R2) 1(R1R2)

3 ISC in Triplet Radical Pairs
3 ISC in Triplet Radical Pairs At 0 H-field, all 3 triplet levels may undergo electron-nuclear hyperfine-induced ISC to S (nearby nuclear spins make magnetic communications, e.g. H atom spin +/- 1/2) Presence of H field, T+/- splits, hyperfine induced ISC not possible Howeve, T0 is still degenerate with S, so hf induced ISC is still possible H >> hf between the electron and nearby nuclear spin, ISC is determined by ext. H

4 Spin Rephasing Mechanism for ISC
4 Spin Rephasing Mechanism for ISC spin clock (top-down view, projection in the xy-plane) In the presence of magnetic fields Pure T0 = 12 o’clock Pure S = 6 o’clock When electron exchange energy, J of the two unpaired e >>> electron-nuclear hf constant, a Meaning that the radical pairs are in close proximity (solvent cage) then T0 and S do not mix (12/6) Solvent-separated, e xchange E < e-n hf, then they mix Diffusive separation --> primary geminate pair still spin correlated --> rotate This occurs when: net H torque on the the e spin vectors are different = external H + nearby nuclear spins (hf coupling) + e orbital motion (spin-orbit coupling) J < a T0 S

5 Timescales for ISC in Radical Pairs
5 Timescales for ISC in Radical Pairs T S kTS ~ (3 X 106)(gH ±Ms a1 ) Spin-orbit coupling, g rate, kTS Typical organic radical, g ~ Earth’s H ~ 1G X 103 Hz Lab H ~ 100,000G X 108 Hz Hyperfine coupling, a Typical organic radical, a ~ G 3 X X 108 Hz Spin-orbit = orbital motion of the e makes magnetic communcation w/ e spins Suppose the primary geminate radical pairs R1 and R2 do not posses magnetic nuclei, but does have different g-factors (spin-orbit coupling) 2 mechanisms: Spin Rephasing (g) and Spin Flipping (a)

6 Power of Spin in Product Distribution
6 Power of Spin in Product Distribution T S kTS ~ (3 X 106)(gH ±Ms a1 ) Ms = 0 Spin Rephasing No nuclear spin flip involved a >>>H Spin Flipping Sort magnetic nuclei from nonmagnetic nuclei! Ms = ± 1/2 , a1 is positive Increase rate of T-->S rephasing by increasing the H-field Ms = magnetic quantum number Suppose the primary geminate radical pairs R1 and R2 do not posses magnetic nuclei, but does have different g-factors (spin-orbit coupling) So caged products are enriched in +1/2 and the escaped products are enriched in -1/2 Mechanism not available to a nucleus with does not possess spin. then kTS+1/2 > kTS-1/2 Sort nuclear spin states! Polarized (non-Boltzmann) product distribution!

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