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Write this title into the first box

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1 Write this title into the first box
Cellular Transport Write this title into the first box

2 ***Add Cholesterol and Draw it in***
Structure of the Cell Membrane Label the picture on the front of your foldable Carbohydrate chains Proteins Transport Protein Phospholipids ***Add Cholesterol and Draw it in***

3 Add these functions to your labels
Lipid Bilayer -2 layers of phospholipids Phosphate head is polar (water loving) Fatty acid tails non-polar (water fearing) Proteins & carbohydrates can serve as markers to identify cells Protein channels allow larger molecules to go through Phospholipid Lipid Bilayer

4 Non-polar tails hide from water.
Polar heads love water. Non-polar tails hide from water. Membrane movement animation

5 Answer this question in box #2: What property allows the cell membrane to maintain homeostasis?
Cell membranes are selectively permeable: they let some molecules in and keep other molecules out.

6 This is gonna be hard work!!
Write the vocab words into the 3rd and 4th boxes along with their definition. 3. Passive Transport cell does not use energy 4. Active Transport cell uses energy high low Weeee!!! high low This is gonna be hard work!!

7 Label the flaps under box #3 & #4
Animations of Active Transport & Passive Transport high low Weeee!!! Passive Transport Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis Active Transport Protein Pumps Endocytosis Exocytosis high low This is gonna be hard work!!

8 Molecules move randomly
Lift the top flap. In the LEFT square, write 3 characteristics of passive transport. Passive transport Molecules move randomly Molecules move from an area of HIGH concentration to an area of LOW concentration. The cell spends NO ENERGY for the particles to move

9 In the RIGHT square, write 2 characteristics of active transport.
Cell SPENDS ENERGY to move molecules where they are needed Moves from an area of LOW concentration to an area of HIGH concentration

10 3 Types of Passive Transport
Diffusion Facilitated Diffusion Osmosis

11 Write this into diffusion flap
Simple Diffusion Animation Write this into diffusion flap Diffusion: random movement of particles from high concentration low concentration. (High to Low) Diffusion continues until…. equilibrium is reached. This balance is how cells maintain homeostasis

12 Write into facilitated diffusion flap
B Facilitated Diffusion diffusion of specific particles through transport proteins found in the membrane Transport Proteins are specific – they select only certain molecules to cross the membrane Transports larger or charged molecules Facilitated diffusion (Channel Protein) Diffusion (Lipid Bilayer) Carrier Protein

13 Passive Transport: Facilitated Diffusion
Glucose molecules Cellular Transport From a- High High Concentration Channel Proteins animations Cell Membrane Low Concentration Protein channel Low Transport Protein Through a  Go to Section:

14 Turn to the osmosis flap
Osmosis animation Osmosis is diffusion of WATER through a selectively permeable membrane Water moves from high water concentration area, to low water concentration area Water moves freely through pores. Solute (green) too large to move across.

15 Turn to your osmosis flap.
Now we’ll talk about 3 situations in which osmosis occurs What type of transport is osmosis? Turn to your osmosis flap.

16 Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions
Hypotonic: The solution has a lower concentration of solutes and a higher concentration of water than inside the cell. (Low solute; High water) Result: Water moves from the solution, to inside the cell: Cell Swells and bursts open (cytolysis)!

17 Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions
Hypertonic Solution Hypertonic: The solution has a higher concentration of solutes and a lower concentration of water than inside the cell. (High solute; Low water) shrinks Result: Water moves from inside the cell, to the solution: Cell shrinks (Plasmolysis)!

18 Osmosis Animations for isotonic, hypertonic, and hypotonic solutions
Isotonic Solution Isotonic: The concentration of solutes in the solution is equal to the concentration of solutes inside the cell. Result: Water moves equally in both directions and the cell remains same size! (Dynamic Equilibrium)

19 B C A What type of solution are these cells in? Hypertonic Isotonic

20 How Would You Answer?

21 1. Which of the following is NOT a type of passive transport
1. Which of the following is NOT a type of passive transport? diffusion osmosis endocytosis facilitated diffusion

22 How Organisms Deal with Osmotic Pressure
Take your own Notes!  Don’t copy word for word!  How Organisms Deal with Osmotic Pressure Bacteria and plants have cell walls that prevent them from over-expanding. In plants the pressure exerted on the cell wall is called tugor pressure. A protist like paramecium has contractile vacuoles that collect water flowing in and pump it out to prevent them from over-expanding. Salt water fish pump salt out of their specialized gills so they do not dehydrate. Animal cells are bathed in blood. Kidneys keep the blood isotonic by remove excess salt and water. Paramecium (protist) removing excess water video

23 Active Transport (Low  High) cell uses energy
actively moves molecules to where they are needed Movement from an area of low concentration to an area of high concentration (Low  High) Three Types:

24 Lift the top flap. Write this into protein pumps flap.
Sodium Potassium Pumps (Active Transport using proteins) Protein Pumps -transport proteins that require energy to do work Example: Sodium / Potassium Pumps are important in nerve responses. Protein changes shape to move molecules: this requires energy!

25 Write this into Endocytosis flap
Endocytosis: taking bulky material into a cell Uses energy Cell membrane folds around food particle pulling it into the cell “cell eating” forms food vacuole & digests food This is how white blood cells eat bacteria!

26 Write this into exocytosis flap
Exocytosis: forces material out of cell in bulk membrane surrounding the material fuses with cell membrane Cell changes shape – requires energy This is how products, such as hormones, are released from cells Endocytosis & Exocytosis animations

27 Review Cell Transport Review Interactive

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