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. viability selection sexual selection fecundity selection zygote

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1 . viability selection sexual selection fecundity selection zygote
survival to adult . courtship sexual selection fertilization sexual selection gamete production fecundity selection

2 Fitness = individual’s genetic contribution to the next
generation (zygotezygote); differential survival and/or reproduction absolute fitness, Wij = #offspring, lifespan, etc relative fitness, wij = contribution relative to other genotypes selection differential, sij = strength of selection against a genotype A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 Pr(survival) Wij % 40% 20% wij sij

3 A numerical example Find the new genotype and allele frequencies
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 genotype freq wij Survival after selection 0.25(1) 0.5(0.75) 0.25(0.25) 0.25 0.375 0.0625 But what is the sum of these? 0.6875 To make them sum to one (for a new frequency) you must divide by What is ? It is the mean fitness. (p2w11 +2pqw12+q2w22) New genotype frequencies What are the new allele frequencies? A1 ~ (0.5) A2 ~ (0.5) w ’ = (1) (0.75) (0.25) =

4 How does selection change genotype and allele frequencies?
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 geno. freq. p2 2pq q2 relative fitness, wij w11 w12 w22 geno. freq. p2w11 2pqw12 q2w22 after selection w w w average relative fitness, w = p2w11 + 2pqw12 + q2w22

5 Patterns of selection -- Fitness arrays
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 w11 w12 w22 deleterious recessive s recessive lethal deleterious dominant s deleterious dominant s 1-s deleterious intermediate hs 1-s deleterious recessive s 1+s heterozygote advantage 1-s t heteroz. disadvantage 1+s t

6 Selection against a recessive allele
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 initial g.f. P2 2pq q2 rel. fitness s w = p2(1) + 2pq(1) + q2(1-s) = 1 – q2s g.f. > selection p2(1) pq(1) q2(1-s) 1-q2s q2s 1-q2s

7 A numerical example A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 gen. freq wij gen. freq (1) (1) (0.4) > selection f’(A1) ~ (0.5) f’(A2) ~ (0.5) w ’ = (1) (1) (0.4) = 0.982

8 what is the new frequency of A2 ?
q’ = Q’ H’ = = q’ = 1 2 pq 1-sq2 q2(1-s) 1-sq2 recall that p = 1 - q and q = 1 - p q2(1-s) + pq 1-sq2 q2 – sq2 + q – q2 1-sq2 q(1-sq) 1-sq2

9 change in the frequency of a lethal recessive
in Tribolium castaneum

10 change in the frequency of a deleterious recessive


12 what is the new frequency of A2 ?
q’ = Q’ H’ = = q’ = 1 2 pq 1-sq2 q2(1-s) 1-sq2 recall that p = 1 - q and q = 1 - p q2(1-s) + pq 1-sq2 q2 – sq2 + q – q2 1-sq2 q(1-sq) 1-sq2

13 how much has the frequency of A2 changed
after one generation of selection ? Dq = q’ - q = q = Dq = q(1-sq) 1-sq2 q – sq2 – q + sq3 1-sq2 -sq2(1 – q) 1-sq2

14 selection against a deleterious recessive allele
Dq q

15 Selection against a dominant allele
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 initial g.f. P2 2pq q2 rel. fitness s 1-s w = p2(1) + 2pq(1-s) + q2(1-s) = 1 – sq(2p-q) g.f. > selection p2(1) pq(1-s) q2(1-s) 1-sq(2p-q) sq(2p-q) sq(2p-q)

16 change in the frequency of a
deleterious dominant


18 Selection against a dominant allele
Dq q

19 Selection favoring heterozygotes
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 initial g.f. P2 2pq q2 rel. fitness 1-s t w = p2(1-s) + 2pq(1) + q2(1-t) = 1 – p2s - q2t g.f. > selection p2(1-s) pq(1) q2(1-t) 1 – p2s - q2t 1 – p2s - q2t 1 – p2s - q2t

20 q-tq2 1-sp2-tq2 p-sp2 1-sp2-tq2 Dq = q and Dp = p at equilibrium, Dq = 0 and Dp = 0 q-tq2 w = q p-sp2 = p w 1 – tq sp = w w tq = sp = s(1-q) s s + t > q = > t s + t p =

21 heterozygote advantage

22 heterozygote advantage at phosphoglucose
isomerase in Colias butterflies

23 glycolysis

24 enzyme kinetics of phosphoglucose isomerase in Colias

25 . . . . expected heterozygosity deviation from July .15 .10 .05 -.05
-.05 -.10 3 11 17 23 July

26 Selection against heterozygotes
A1A1 A1A2 A2A2 initial g.f. P2 2pq q2 rel. fitness 1+s t w = p2(1+s) + 2pq(1) + q2(1+t) = 1 + p2s + q2t g.f. > selection p2(1+s) pq(1) q2(1+t) 1+p2s+q2t 1+p2s+q2t p2s+q2t

27 at equilibrium, Dq = 0 and Dp = 0
> s s + t t s + t > q = and p =

28 heterozygote disadvantage

29 heterozygote disadvantage: translocation
heterozygotes in Drosophila

30 simple models of selection
w11 > w12 < w22 w11 > w12 > w22 unstable polymorphism fix A1 relative fitness of A1A1 w11 < w12 > w22 w11 < w12 < w22 stable polymorphism fix A2 relative fitness of A2A2

31 relative fitness enables different traits and populations to be
compared selection can act at many stages in the life cycle; opportunity for opposing selection at different stages directional selection fixes one allele and eliminates all others from the population heterozygote advantage can maintain a balanced polymorphism, but cannot explain the high levels of genetic variation found in natural populations heterozygote disadvantage produces an unstable polymorphism; which allele is fixed depends on chance

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