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Not Even Named Among You

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1 Not Even Named Among You
Ephesians 5:3-7

2 Review We have been addressing how the Christian is to walk
No longer as the rest of the Gentiles (Eph. 4:17-19) 4:22, corrupt according to deceitful lusts 2:2-3, once walked according to the course of this world… In our text, Paul specifically identifies some of these behaviors.

3 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Fornication - illicit relations – including adultery, homosexuality, bestiality, extramarital relations, premarital relations, etc. Many passages condemn these

4 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
All uncleanness – moral impurity, filthy, vile, morally corrupt. “Not pure” In New Testament Matthew 23:27 Romans 1:24 2 Corinthians 12:21 Galatians 5:19

5 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
All uncleanness Immoral and filthy behavior One who lives to fulfill his sensual lusts Probably tied to fornication Our society is filled with perverted conduct. No longer done in secret, but openly. Immorality is treated as normal

6 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
All uncleanness ALL – every form of it (i.e. homosexuality vs. MDR, etc.) We cannot pick and choose which immorality to tolerate. 1 Thessalonians 4:7

7 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Covetousness Greed, selfish desires and pursuit of that which one is not entitled to 1 Timothy 6:6, 9-10

8 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Filthiness behavior that flouts moral and social standards, shamefulness, obscenity (BDAG) Shameful behavior

9 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Filthiness In our society – profane and vulgar language everywhere, rank immodesty and nudity. Fornication promoted in entertainment. Pornography! Colossians 3:8, James 1:21

10 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Foolish talking Speech that results from not thinking. Not merely engaging in idle conversation or “cutting up”, but such that makes one look foolish and harms the cause of God. Senseless arguing, foolish disputes, etc. Cf. Titus 3:9

11 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Coarse jesting Jesting (in a good sense can mean wittiness). This is virtually universally believed to be jesting that is vulgar and unfitting. Profanities, innuendo, blasphemy, cruel insults, etc. Qualified with, “which are not fitting” (not convenient –KJV)

12 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Let it not even be named among you Don’t participate in such. Do not condone those who do! 1 Corinthians 5: John 9-11, Ephesians 5:11, etc. Are some seeking to redefine sin? Some say God overlooks certain sins, etc.

13 Not Even Name Among You (3-4)
Rather, let it be the giving of thanks Gratitude always needed 1 Thessalonians 5:18

14 Why we avoid these? (5) This you know, They had already been taught and warned of these things (i.e Acts 19, 20:31, etc.) As Christians we must study to beware and able to identify error (Hebrews 5:14, etc.)

15 No fornicator, unclean person or covetous man See above
Why we avoid these? (5) No fornicator, unclean person or covetous man See above Added to the description of covetousness, “who is an idolater”(Colossians 3:5)

16 Has any inheritance in the kingdom of God
Why we avoid these? (5) Has any inheritance in the kingdom of God Participating in such sins will result in one being lost Note: This is addressing Christians and speaks of the possibility of falling away! Get forgiveness! 1 Corinthians 6:9-11, if you have never obeyed

17 Let no one deceive you with empty words
Warning! (6-7) Let no one deceive you with empty words Sometimes the world seeks to deceive us Sometimes it is so-called brethren (Acts 20:28-29, Matthew 7:15-16, 2 Timothy 3:5-6, 2 Peter 2:1-3, etc. ) When we struggle with sin, be extra vigilant in this!

18 Warning! (6-7) Because of these things, the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience God WILL punish the ungodly and the unsaved! 2 Thessalonians 1:6-9 Matthew 25:46 Also those who ALLOW themselves to be deceived – Heb.10:31, 2 Pet.2:20-22

19 Therefore, do not be partakers with them
Warning! (6-7) Therefore, do not be partakers with them Don’t participate, don’t condone, not even partially! 2 Corinthians 6: Romans 1:32

20 Am I striving to overcome ungodliness in my life?

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