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Technician Incentives and Awards WV Supplement TPR 451

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1 Technician Incentives and Awards WV Supplement TPR 451
Pull up the TPR and go through it. HR Office is responsible for administration of the awards program, providing regulatory oversight and ensuring compliance with law, and processing personnel actions that generate credit and payment of awards. How many of you in this room have used this as a tool for recognition of your employees?

2 Incentives: Purpose and Overview
Motivate Increase efficiency, productivity & creativity Recognize/reward performance & contributions Match type of recognition to situation Ensure timely submission of documentation Exercise care in considering recognition Avoid setting a precedent Who can submit a technician for an employee? Anyone with knowledge of an achievement or accomplishment can recommend an employee, however the supervisor is still required to approve the recommendation. Although not a regulatory requirement, it is recommended the supervisor have rated the employee for at least the minimum required time (120 days) prior to signing for approval of an award. This has allowed the supervisor ample time to rate an employees performance or achievement. It is only required for those awards which require a performance appraisal such as QSI’s or SSP

3 Awards Submission Process
All awards are currently submitted on the form NGB 32. This form can be found on the HRO homepage under the “performance” tab. Awards are batched once a quarter (CY Basis) and vetted through established Army, 130th, and 167th awards boards. Board consist of a minimum of 5 members, typically involving the enlisted, officer, and financial perspectives. Awards are reviewed by the HRO Awards Program Manager for regulatory compliance. WV Supplement TPR 451 located on the HRO homepage

4 Incentive Types Length of Service Time Off Award (TOA)
Quality Step Increase- QSI Sustained Superior Performance- SSP Special Act or Service Suggestion/ Invention (Air Only) Honorary Awards WV Supplement TPR 451 located on the HRO homepage. Go through my line

5 Length of Service Award
Awarded to NG Technicians and other Government employees for distinguished service Eligible after 10 years of service, and every following 10 year increment Requests based on Leave SCD and processed at the request of the supervisor. Not tracked state-wide. Award includes certificate signed by TAG and lapel Pin.

6 Time Off Award Recognition of superior accomplishments or other personal effort that contributed to the quality, efficiency, or economy of Gov’t operations Up to 40 hrs per contribution; no more than 80 hrs in 1 leave year Applies to permanent, indef, and temp w/ appt over 90 days Does not convert to cash Must be used within one year after award is made

7 Quality Step Increase (QSI)
GS Employees Only! Requires current performance rating of Outstanding (level 5) and be submitted within 90 days of the end of appraisal period. Off-cycle appraisal must be done if submitted for any quarter other than the first. Specific qualitative or quantitative justification describing the technicians outstanding performance and special achievements is required. Avoid general descriptions and blanket submissions. Make each recommendation unique. Current regulation says the justification must state that performance is likely to continue. Not appropriate if within 6 months of promotion or temporary promotion. Not appropriate if within 12 months of previous QSI. Explain WGI’s and timeframes. Give an example. Does not effect the granting of other step increases unless placing employees into the step 4 or step 7 level.

8 Sustained Superior Performance (SSP)
Outstanding rating on current appraisal Must include a narrative justification Exceeds position’s requirements Performance maintained at least 6 months in the same job and grade level Can only get once in a two year period Amount will not exceed 10% of base salary and subject to budgetary constraints Permanent Only

9 Special Act or Service Award
Permanent, Indef, or Temp Tech’s employed over 90 days Awarded for heroism Awarded for one-time act or service Awarded for Scientific achievement Must contribute to the efficiency, economy, or other improvement of the Gov’t or is in the public interest Nominations must be submitted within 20 calendar days after the special act or service Cannot exceed 10% of base salary

10 On-The-Spot Award One Time, Short-term efforts that result in service of an exceptionally high quality or quantity For permanent, indef, and temp tech’s with appointments over 90 days Maximum amount $250.00 Technician can receive 4 per leave year Should Not be based on Temp Promotion Must include justification

11 Suggestion Awards Unique to the Airforce
Accomplished through NGB Form 6 or AF IMT 1000 and routed through local POC Not approved by HRO – Forwarded through review chain to NGB. NGB Issues approval certificate to State HRO for processing once finalized. The suggestor must… State specific area(s) for improvement State the potential workable solution Cite benefits that can be expected Current POC for the 130th is Adam Mace, and the 167th is Jennifer Parkhouse. NGB Approver is MAJ Derek Carr.

12 Inventions $100 in addition to any award under Suggestion or Special Achievement $300 upon award of patent categories Can be thousands of $$$$ when tangible Not approved by HRO

13 Payment of Awards Monetary awards will be paid from State Federal Funds and processed on a SF 50 Paid as early as possible after approval Responsibility remains with organization for funding Considered a financial obligation Taxable Income Timely processing is our goal, however an employee should not know they have been put in for an award. Care should be taken to minimize awardee inquiries to the HRO related to processing and payment.

14 Questions

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